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"Ben you need to get up." Miranda sung sweetly sitting on the bed beside her husband.

Ben's alarm clock blared through the room and he groaned sitting up.

He walked slowly to the bathroom and he cut the shower on. Ben took a long shower as he gathered his thoughts.

"It's okay to be nervous about today." Miranda said as Ben pulled the shower curtain back and wrapped a towel around his waist.

"I am nervous." Ben chuckled shaking his head.

"But you will be fine. It's the first step in the right direction." Miranda chimed as she placed her back against the double sink watching Ben.

Ben washed his face, shaved and brushed his teeth. Miranda looked at the clock by his night stand.

" man you sure do floss a concerning amount and always take so long." Miranda blew out a breath as he continued flossing.

Washing his mouth out Ben walked into the room and he walked to his closet.

"Where is my blue polo shirt?" Ben questioned pausing to think.

"In the Laundry room hanging up with all the other things you air dry honey."

"The laundry room...right." Ben said walking to go get his shirt.

Ben got dressed and walked to the kitchen. Miranda sat at the counter as he opened the fridge. She watched silently as he pulled out bacon. He then walked to the cabinet and grabbed brown sugar. Miranda held back a laugh because she knew what he was about to attempt to make and she knew she was in for a treat.

She watched as Ben put the sugar and a dash of black pepper in a bowl.

He seasoned the bacon and put the sugar on it.

Grabbing a baking sheet and aluminum foil he pulled it out to put on the sheet.

"Ben parchment paper not aluminum foil." Miranda instructed.

Ben paused for a moment and put his finger on his chin.

"My directions for candied bacon are right there in that notebook." Miranda pointed.

Ben looked at her notebook longingly and shook his head. "I can do this with out directions." Ben huffed.

"Okay if you say so and baby the oven is on too high 325 not 350." Miranda added shaking her head.

Ben put the bacon inside the oven and he started to make eggs, and pancakes.

After he finished he took the bacon out and he looked at it. Miranda got up and stood beside him at the stove. "It looks good. Taste it." Miranda encouraged.

Ben broke a piece off and blew on it to cool.

He put it into his mouth and he chewed slowly before frowning. "Why can't I get something so simple right?" Ben groaned.

"You will get it, I promise and it's okay to use the directions until you do. Here why don't you make some tea and the cross word is right here on the counter." Miranda said smiling.

Ben thought on the bright side. He was getting closer to it tasting just like Miranda's bacon. He walked to the cabinet and pulled out a bag of tea. He heated his water and added a little sugar before sitting at the counter to do his crossword.

"1 down is hardship." Miranda said mentally counting the spaces.

"H-a-r-d" Ben started counting the spaces too as he filled it in.

Once upon a BenleyWhere stories live. Discover now