Santa Baby

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Miranda held Tuck's hand as Callie cradled Sofia into her arms. The hospital threw a winter parade and family day for the staff. She enjoyed watching Tuck's eyes light up at each float as he pointed and clapped.

The huge band caught his attention and he was fascinated by the French horns. But the one and only float that made Tuck jump up and down with excitement was of course Santa. Her four-year-old tugged on her hand and asked to be lifted so he could be higher up and see him.

Now inside of the building, the parents walked around letting the kids get their faces painted, make reindeer food, play games, listen to music, eat, and meet and take pictures with Santa.

Tuck's gasped caught her attention and she looked over at him as he stopped walking. "He's still here," Tuck voiced.

"Yeah he sure is," she responded looking over at Santa, who she instantly recognized as none other than Ben Warren. She knew his eyes and smile from anywhere. She had not seen him in almost a whole year and yet here he was as if he had been around the entire time. Now the question actually plagued her mind. Why hasn't she seen him?

"Do you want to see Santa?" Callie asked Tuck.

"Uh huh," he replied nodding his head quickly.

Miranda walked him to the line as Callie followed. It was a few other kids and parents in front of them but the wait wouldn't be too long.

Ben wore the full Santa Claus costume, complete with a fake white curly beard and what was probably a pillow stuffed into his red velvet coat. The hospital never did anything halfway, so it was one of the finest imitations Miranda had ever seen; the beard looked like it was actually glued to his face, the wig might have been real human hair, and the brass buttons and buckle on the coast shined brightly in the warm light of the lobby despite the dark, winter night sky outside. The moment Miranda finished her glaze across him, his eyes found hers.

Miranda had on a fitting green v-neck sweater dress and brown boots that came up over her knees. She watched as his eyes traveled across her body after getting over his initial shocked look.

"You want something to drink Bailey."

"Yeah water and a juice pouch or box for him."

They moved closer in the line and they could hear Ben's conversations he was having with the little girl sitting on his lap.

Next was a nurse's son and he walked up and sat down and began to talk to Santa and tell him all about everything he wanted.

He kept meeting her gaze, and the moment their eyes met she would turn away and pretend to be staring at the curtains. She couldn’t help it. Something about his stare would send her heart pounding, her breath catching in her throat, and she had to look away before she did something silly. Something about watching him talk to all these children, make them smile and laugh with his silly jokes, and tell them he would try to give them a happy Christmas made her mind turn to mush. He was very good with Tuck when they were together.

“I got you some punch, which I have been assured is thoroughly spiked,” Callie showed up just as Tuck was next in the queue, handing her a crystal glass filled with a deep red liquid that smelled like spiced cranberries and rum.

“Thank you,” Miranda said gratefully,  not even mad about the non-water as she downed half of it in one go, feeling the inner warmth slowly creep through her veins.

“You alright?” Callie asked, her brow raised.

“I’m fine, Torres,” Miranda snapped and then regretted it.

A mischievous grin overcame Callie's face. “Are you nervous to meet Santa?” she said mockingly.

"Now why would I be nervous to meet Santa Torres," she hissed.

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