Halloween Again

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Miranda came home holding Pru in her arms. It was dark in the house so she knew everyone was in bed already. Ben's car was in the driveway and she wondered how long he had been home.

She would have had to be blind to miss him being stand offish tonight.

Miranda brought Pru to her room and she changed her clothes and wiped her off before helping her into her pajamas then tucking her in bed. She tidied up the toddlers room before cutting the light off and leaving out. Miranda opened up her bedroom door and she saw Ben laying facing the closet.

She stood still trying to decipher if he was sleeping or not. She observed his breathing, at first it was a slow, regular patten but then it changed letting her know he was awake.

"Hey." Miranda greeted taking her hair down.

"Hey." Ben greeted dryly.

"Okay Ben Warren let's talk. What's the problem?" Miranda asked putting her earrings on the dresser.

She walked into the bathroom and grabbed her makeup remover wipes before coming back out.

"Well?" Miranda questioned.

"Nothing, it's nothing. I don't have nothing to say to you Miranda."

"Ben what is it seriously. You want an apology from me?"

"Is it Pru's sheets?...I told you I'm sorry. I wasn't throwing them at you. I really was aiming for the hamper, I didn't expect you to try an catch it. What else do you want? I'm sorry about not coming to the station."

"No you're not. Don't apologize to something you don't care about."

"Then what is it because you were short with me earlier and it seems as if we have been having more spats than usual." Miranda asked frustrated.

"See how you just don't care. You didn't care about what I was feeling. I asked you to come to the station and you said no. You said you couldn't.

"Because I had to work,

"It would have been our first Halloween together as a family with Pru.

"I know I missed it but that's why I had her come to the hospital and I even did matching costumes. I asked you to stay with us for a bit and you were so cold and in a rush to get out of my presence."

Ben sat up in the bed and looked at her silently and watched as Miranda began to chuckle.

"What's funny?" Ben asked not amused.

"This, this is Tucker all over again."

"Don't compare me to that ass hat of a man. This situation is nothing like that. It's completely different." Ben scuffed.

"This isn't about missing Halloween with Pru, this is about you Ben." Miranda pointed out.

"And why can't it be about me? When is it ever going to be my turn."

Miranda stared at Ben with a blank expression. She was telling herself to calm down on the inside. She knew that she had to explain her anger and frustration versus expressing it, that would keep this from turning into a huge argument.

"The whole six months you were out of work, I compromised with you. I sat on desk duty. I did laid back stuff to get home on time. But as soon as you go back to work, the one thing I asked of you was to come to the station for this holiday and you couldn't do that. You chose to work, I couldn't take time off.
You couldn't put your job on hold or rearrange nothing. This is not about Pru and Halloween. I asked to spend time with you tonight so we could do it as a family and you didn't. But then when it's convenient for you and on your terms you want me to move mountains."

Miranda wiped her face before looking at Ben  completely. She felt bad now that she understood where he was coming from. He said that it wasn't about Halloween either but she knew that played apart, this was his favorite day out of the whole year. He loved this day more than new year and Christmas and she chose not to participate with him. Just for her to ask him to bring Pru to the hospital and do matching costumes and walk around with her.

"Baby I'm sorry." Miranda sighed and she really meant it. She took her costume off and placed it in her clothes basket before walking over to the bed. "I really am sorry, I didn't even think about it. I was so tunnel vision on just making sure that I spent time with Pru for the holiday. You are so right I should have compromised with you...
I don't think I ever told you this because you came into my life when Tuck was about 3 or close to 4. But I missed Tuck's first Halloween and my heart ached. I did everything that I could to make sure that I was home on time but then this earless boy came and was trick or treating for ears, so I helped assist him with that. Tucker was so angry. We fussed on the phone and argued before he just blatantly hung up on me, because he thought that I just didn't want to be there. I knew that it was Pru's first Halloween with us, which is why I made sure to participate and do the whole outfit thing. When you called and I told you no and we argued, I thought it was just that, but when you showed up at the hospital. I could see the anger and frustration there and it was like you didn't want anything to do with me.

I'm use to you being mad at me or I'm mad at you, but we normally are just petty towards each other. This was like micro aggression. Anyway it scared me. I pushed it aside to be happy with Pru but it was eating at me all night because with Tucker we made it ten years and right when I had a baby it began to fall apart.

It seems like ever since we added two more kids, but really our toddler, we have been slipping away from each other. I don't want to let our relationship slip through my hands. This can't fall apart. This can't end." Miranda told him and Ben could see the tears building in her eyes.

Ben looked at his wife and now he felt bad. He knew in the beginning of their relationship that it was a lot of things she was reserved about because of her previous marriage. He never thought about how this would effect her. This never would have been a possibility in her mind because they went 12 years with out any young kids. He didn't realize that she was trying so hard to not have a repeat of the past.

"I was just angry at you babe. I would never leave you. I don't think there's anything in the whole world that would make me leave you. You got me until death do us part. For better or for worse. I'm going to love you in the worse parts. I always have and I always will. I won't ever find another you and you know that.

" I don't want you to think that I wasn't listening to you and made everything about me because I was. I just wanted you to understand why I asked you to bring her, but now I fully understand that I was still wrong."

"I accept your apology." Ben told her and he pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you." Miranda praised kissing his lips. Ben kissed her back passionately cupping the back of her head.

The next day Miranda acted like she was going to work but truthfully she was staying home. She went to the store and purchased, bags of candy and so many Halloween decorations. She had the bright idea to make it up to Ben for missing Halloween with him as a family.
She went out and bought Joey, Tuck and herself a firefighter costume to match the one Pru had yesterday.

She also bought another firefighter one that was more sexy and risqué, she was going to wear that one in their bedroom after the kids left. That costume was similar to a play boy bunny outfit. It was a red bodice with a Cheeky cut out in the back, so it flaunted her ass and was supported to push her breast up. She bought the red thigh high matching boots and bought black knee high fishnet stockings.

After she got everything she needed, which was not all that expensive seeing as how Halloween was over now. she left the store.

Later on that day after the boys got out of school. She asked them to help her with decorations.

"Why are we doing this again?" Tuck asked as he helped Joey put up the orange lights, while Miranda put up fake spider webs and floating candles.

"Because I was an inconsiderate wife to your father yesterday, so I'm making it up to him. Before you all go to your aunt Ros' we are going to dress up, take pictures, play games and eat." Miranda explained.

"Okay let's put the fake fire up and the pole."

"Wow" Joey commented.

"What...we want this to look like a hunted fire station"

"You must have messed up a lot." Joey replied to her.

"I did. I took away the family experience of Halloween yesterday so I'm trying to redo it."

"This stuff in this bad Ma. Where is it going?" Tuck asked.

"Uh that's going in my bed room."

"Eww Ma." Tuck groaned.

"What." Miranda laughed

"That's nasty."

"I didn't say anything. You are the one that's thinking inappropriately."

"I didn't have to think inappropriately what's in the bag is enough...firefighters don't have hand cuffs, it was enough to imply what's going on." Tuck stressed and Miranda laughed harder.

Miranda walked into her bedroom and she placed the electric candles that looked like fires and red sirens around.

Miranda put the yellow fire line caution tape on their door in the shape of a heart. Then spelled out Warren over the head board of their bed. She cut the lights off in there,  after closing all the curtains and she smiled. It was perfect.

Miranda then ordered food before going to pick Pru up. She changed Pru back into her firefighter costume before she changed into her own.

"Firefighter." Pru chimed.

"Yes I am a firefighter just like you." Miranda replied excitedly.

After helping Pru down the stairs Miranda looked at her watch. "Hey boys are you ready? Ben should be here any minute now.

"Coming." They chimed.

"What the hell." Miranda cursed as she watched Joey slide down the stairs.

"It's apart of the act." He shrugged.

"No that's dangerous. You could have hurt yourself and messed up my banister.

Next she looked up as she heard a consistent thud "Tuck." Miranda gasped as he rolled down the stairs.

"Stop drop and roll." Tuck called out. Pru looked at her brothers and clapped finding them amusing.

Miranda looked up when the door sounded letting her know he was putting his key in. Miranda lined everyone up and they smiled at him when the door opened.

"What's all this?" He questioned putting his bag down.

"Happy Halloween." Tuck called out.

"Again." Miranda added with a smile.

Ben looked around and smiled as Pru walked up to him holding her arms out for him to pick her up.

"Here." Miranda turned and grabbed his firemen jacket.

"How did you get this ?" Ben asked.

"I asked Vic to drop it off when she left the station."

"Oh that was the break she went on all of a sudden." Ben noted.

"Come let's take some pictures. It's the camera station here." Miranda encouraged as Ben put on his jacket.

Miranda walked them over to the brick back drop she has set up in the dining room. It was a big ring light on the table. She placed her phone on it and set the timer.
Miranda stood beside Ben and leaned into his body as he held Pru. Joey and Tuck was on the sides of them.

"Okay smile, 1, 2, 3." Miranda chimed. The family of five took many photos before they went off to eat.

Ben pulled Miranda's arm before they walked into the kitchen. "Thank you Miranda."

"You're welcome." Miranda smiled as Ben pulled her into his body. "I love you." He told her and she smiled pushing up on her toes to peck his lips.

"I love you too."

"And dam I love this outfit." Ben groaned rubbing his hands down the sides of her hip.

"There's more." Miranda voiced slyly.

"Ohhh?" He questioned

"Mmm-hmm." She sounded licking her lips.

"What ever it is I know I'm going to love it."

"You dam sure will and me too." Miranda laughed before walking to go make a plate for Pru.

After dinner everyone played the games Miranda had set up. She looked over at her husband, glad that he was having a great time and enjoyed this.

Joey looked at the window as a light shined through, letting them know Ros pulled.

"Oh babe your sister's here can you walk Pru out. Her bag was by the door. Boys make sure you grab your book bags for school. I will see you all tomorrow night." Miranda voiced.

Ben looked at Miranda and he nodded. He didn't know it was going to be an empty house. He was now even more excited for them to be alone.

"Bye Pru bear, mommy will see you tomorrow." Miranda smiled kissing her on the head.

Miranda then hurried to their bedroom to get changed. She changed her clothes into her role play costume. She knew Ben would spend a little bit of time talking to his sister. She placed the firemen helmet on her head and looked in the mirror as she fixed her braids. Reaching on her dresser, she grabbed baby oil and put some in her hands before rubbing it into the top of her breast and thighs. She cut the lights off in their bedroom and left the red lights on. Giving the room a red glow.

Ben cleaned up quickly after he locked the front door. He cut the lights off in the front of the house before walking to their bedroom. Ben looked at the door and he smiled reading fire line do not cross in the shape of a heart.

He pushed their door open and Miranda turned to face Ben with a sly smile.

"Dam Miranda....dam." Ben stared licking his lips as blood immediately flew to his penis. The long thigh high boots made her a little taller and complimented everything. He just continued to stared trying to make a mental picture of everything. Even the sexy plastic fire helmet with the play boy bunny logo caused him to become so much harder.

"So I heard firefighters have long hoses." She told him in her sultry, raspy voice.

"Uh huh and poles."

"Well, firefighter Warren. Can I slide down your pole?" Miranda questioned walking closer to him.

"Miranda you can slide up and down, rotate around, squeeze, clench, lick, kiss, suck, cum and what ever else you want to do on my pole." Ben replied back quickly biting his lip.

Miranda giggled as Ben leaned down and kissed her. Quickly, they began probing each other's mouths, their tongues dancing back and forth together. Ben moved his hand up Miranda's side and onto her chest, the fabric of her bodice preventing him from giving her breasts more attention. Then, as if a throttle had been opened on an sports car, their kissing became deeper as the lust boiling inside them began to take control.

Miranda unlocked herself from Ben's lips and with a soft moan and deep breath of pleasure she reached her hands down, pulling his shirt from her pants, and lifting his arms up, in one smooth motion she lifted the shirt over his head and onto the floor. Miranda leaned into him and began kissing him again this time with even more passion, Ben felt the heat of her body increase and responded by grabbing onto her straps and pulled it down her arms.

Ben backed up from Miranda conflicted. The outfit was so sexy but he needed to get to her. He needed her to be naked so he could do everything he wanted to do.

Miranda could sense his dilemma and she smiled. “I'll leave the fish nets and heel boots on.”

"Deal." Ben replied helping her out of it. He smiled in satisfaction as it hit the floor and she was left in a little pair of lacy black panties.

"Strip those pants Warren." Miranda told him urgently.

Ben chuckled and unbutton his pants before taking them off. 

Miranda gasped as Ben lifted her and tossed her over his shoulder. He palmed her ass before tossing her on the bed. Miranda pulled him down and rolled them over so she was on top. He sat up so she was straddling his lap.

Ben reached down with his left hand and grabbed her curvy waist before fondling her breast with his right hand. His left hand slowly moved to her back, finding her butt only partially covered by the panties, he gave her cheek a squeeze. Miranda placed her hands on his chest and her soft finger tips ran through his chest hair.

Ben began to feel the wetness of Miranda soaking through his boxers as she slowly started to grind her hips back and forth. The rubbing making his erection even harder. He began to kiss her chest and the top swells of her breast. Diving his face between her cleavage.

Miranda moaned as she cupped the back of his head and kissed the top of his ear. "I've missed this."  She told him moaning a little louder than before.

Wasting no time, he reached up with his right hand and grabbed her breast as he began massaging it, his left hand slid along Miranda's thigh, being sure to trail his thumb on the inside of her leg he stopped when he reached her waist and let his thumb begin to gently caress her mound through her panties sending a subtle shudder through her body. Ben could feel a small patch of hair beneath the fabric, the lust boiling inside him wanted so badly to pull aside her panties and dive into her sweet sex. He restrained himself with every fiber in his body as he slid his hand around to her backside, grabbing her ass, and pulling her back into him, the breast he was fondling lining up perfectly with his mouth.

"Dam." Miranda moaned a little louder as Ben began sucking on her nipple, the firmness of it making it easy for him to flick at it with his tongue. He could tell, like always that it was turning her on by the increase in her breathing. He gave the nipple a gentle bite which drew a loud moan out of Miranda's mouth. Moving his hand up to her other breast, he began kneading the mound of perfect flesh in his hand, which was just barely able to hold it all. Miranda began rocking her hips back and forth against his erection, now it was Ben's turn to moan as her movements began reaching the sensitive underside of his tip. He freed her sensitive nipple from his mouth and pulled her face back to his for another long kiss. Ben was prepared for the ferocity of her mouth as he knew she was fully under the control of her sexual desires.

Ben flipped Miranda over suddenly and pulled himself away from her lips. He looked down at his sexy wife and gave her a bright smile. His eyes traveled up and down her body, only in her panties and heel boots. He reached down and pulled on the band of her panties as Miranda lifted her hips up so they could come down before he tossed them on the floor.

Ben got on his knees, he now had the perfect vantage point of her neatly trimmed sex that was framed perfectly by her thighs. A gentle glistening of her juices and the sweet smell of her sex intoxicated Ben. He thought he was full but suddenly he was hungry. The top of her slit just visible between her held together legs, he slid his hands up her thighs and began opening her legs. 

"Aww baby you don't have to do that."

"Do what?" He questioned looking up at her.

"I should be doing that to you. I'm the one that was trying to make it up to you I-

"This is making it up to me, now let me have my dessert." Ben whispered.

"Okay." Miranda moaned leaning her head back waiting on him as she widen her legs.

Her pussy opened ever so slightly beckoning him in. He began kissing his way up her legs her sweet aroma fueling his passion. As he reached her sex, he parted her plump lips and licked his lips before submerging himself between her legs, licking and sucking on her clit.

"Ohh baby." Miranda sounded as Ben shot his tongue inside her causing her hips to buck onto his face. He reached behind her and grabbed her ass preventing her from squirming away.

Ben continued to probe and lap at her core, every so often sucking her clitoris to further her pleasure. He knew it had been a while since she had received this kind of treatment, having a toddler only left them with quickies, as with each passing second, Miranda began writhing and bucking under his tongue more and more, her moans growing in frequency and volume.

He wanted to make up for all the times this portion of their sex life had been neglected. Ben then shifted his focus to her clitoris.

"Oh shit Benjamin." She exclaimed. "Don't stop." Ben slid one of his hands from her ass and in one smooth motion slid his middle finger inside her sopping wet pussy.

"Oh, fuck yes" she shouted. Ben had a brief moment of panic remembering they were in their room with the door opened but quickly dismissed as he knew they were still alone and all the kids were gone. He rocked his finger back and forth and pulled her clitoris into his mouth one last time as Miranda began moaning and squealing

"YESSSS!!!" She began bucking against his finger as a wave of pleasure gushed out from her pussy, coating Ben's face. She continued bucking and crying out as her orgasm cascaded through her body. Ben pulled himself out from between her legs and kissed his way up her body, giving each of her nipples a kiss sending shudders through her body. Once he reached her face, she grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in, kissing her sweetness off his lips. She broke the kiss and spoke with exasperated breath.

"You're next. Stand up." She commanded pushing him up. Miranda sat up on the bed and pulled him into a kiss as she reached for his boxers, she wasted no time in tracing the elastic band to the front, the fabric barely touching his skin due to the erection that was attempting to break free. She gently rolled her nails underneath the waist band sending shivers throughout his groin. In a slow methodical motion, she pulled the fabric down past his balls hooking it below them, his cock springing to attention for her to command. Miranda broke her feverish kissing briefly to look down at Ben's hard penis that was now staring her in the face. She bit her bottom lip and moaned softly

"You know they say that firefighters find them hot and leave them wet." Miranda smirked

"Uh-huh" Ben replied seductively. Miranda dove back in for another kiss as one of her hands began stroking Ben's cock. The touch sending waves of pleasure through his body, he quickly focused to prevent himself from cuming right then and there. His focus began breaking as she broke away from his lips and began kissing down his neck and body, sliding herself down and onto her knees before laying on her stomach. Miranda's kisses found the tip of his cock forcing Ben now to moan out loud as more pleasure flowed through his body.

"Fuck Miranda."
Miranda wasted no time and quickly opened her mouth swallowing his dick almost whole as she began flicking her tongue against his sensitive tip. Ben struggled not to thrust his hips up into her face as he fought to control the climax growing inside him.

Miranda began bobbing her head up and down as he was sure she could feel the swelling of his balls as he got closer and closer to the edge. Her lips easily maintaining a tight seal around his rock-hard penis, she sucked harder and harder with each bob of her head. Her twist caressing his skin with each move. Ben didn't want to cum just yet and with the great blowjob she was giving him, he felt the explosion of climax beginning to ignite, he quickly pulled her off his dick with a soft pop as her lips broke free. He pull her up,  roughly actually making her stand on her feet before kissing her again as his erection was poking at the top of her sex, a small amount of cum that she had extracted smearing itself over her belly.

As they kissed, she pushed his boxers down further. Miranda was ready and finished removing his boxers. His underwear falling onto the floor, joining the rest of their clothes. He guided her to the bed as he broke off the kiss, and laid her down.

Ben pulled her by her ankles, firmly gripping the boots, until she was near the edge of the bed again. Miranda set up quickly and reached out to grabbed his still hard dick. She  lowered her head down licking his shaft until it was slick more than what her salvia did the first time.

She looked up at her husband and smiled as she gently massaged his balls. Ben felt his fuse shortening as she did so, he smiled back as he moved toward her. Miranda, reading into his movements slid herself back on the bed at the same time spreading her legs inviting Ben to fuck her. He climbed onto the bed as she held herself up on her elbows, legs spread, knees up she stared lustfully into his eyes. Ben aligned himself on top of her and using his hips began to rub the tip of his penis along her moist slit.

Miranda reached up with one hand and caressed the top of Ben's head, pulling him in for a deep kiss, as their tongues connected Ben tilted his hips downward and slid himself inside, a sudden gasp from Miranda interrupted their kiss, he took a deep breath as her muscles clamped down suddenly on his penis. Ben began moving his hips slowly back and forth as Miranda's pussy adjusted to him. He was in heaven as his beautiful wife made love to him, kissed him with so much passion.

"I love you Miranda."

"I love you too Benjamin, so much."

Miranda, moaning at an increasing rate, began to move her hips in time with Ben's thrusts. He could tell he was touching her g-spot as every so often he would get a loud "yes" from Miranda. He wanted to make sure they came together but still enjoyed their time together, taking it slow. He pushed himself up on his hands and slid out of Miranda.

"What's wrong?" She asked in a surprised tone

"Nothing, I just want you to go for a ride" Miranda smiled as Ben took her hand and pulled her up off the bed with him. Spinning them around Ben's back was now facing the bed. He leaned in for a kiss and at the same time he reached behind Miranda and grabbed her perfect round ass, lifting her off the ground. Miranda immediately knowing what Ben was planning gave herself a little jump wrapping her legs around his waist and arms around his neck, Ben gently lowered her back onto his dick letting her slide all the way down to the base of his shaft.

"Oh my.......mmmmmm......Fuck......" She moaned out as Ben's full length slid against her g-spot stopping at a point deep in her pussy that hadn't been stimulated like this in months. Feeling her shudder Ben sat on the edge of the bed and leaned Miranda back slightly exposing her breasts, he began kissing and sucking them as she began grinding her hips back and forth. Ben broke off his feasting to look into her eyes as her pace began to quicken.

"Miranda." Ben moaned. "You're so sexy and beautiful. You're the only one for me....you know that."

"Mmm-hmm. I do." Miranda continued her same fast motions

Ben felt his own climax rising to his breaking point. He spoke quickly realizing he wouldn't be able to hold back much longer."Hang on baby" She nodded, a look of pleasure and relief on her face

"Ok.” She replied in exasperated breath. Ben, in one swift motion bounced himself off the bed thrusting deep into Miranda again.

"Oh my god baby." Miranda briefly screamed out in pleasure,

Ben stood and spun Miranda around laying her back onto the bed her legs still wrapped tightly around him, the heel of her boots pressed a little into his back. She reached for his hands interlocking their fingers together as he bent his legs and began thrusting back and forth into her slick soaking pussy. With each thrust he threw more momentum into her causing her to moan out more and more.

"Fuck, don't stop, Harder, Fuck me Harder Benjamin,  yesssss husband unh " she squealed out as she approached another orgasm. Ben disentangled one of his hands and reached between her legs, sliding his thumb down to her clitoris he gently flicked at it and allowed his body movements to be the hammer on his thumb sending Miranda over the edge.

"OH MY GOD YES!! I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMINNNNNGGGG" she cried out. Ben was ready as well, the sudden clamp of Miranda's core now unleashing the freight train of his own climax, he moaned out with her

"I'm gonna cum, fuck you're so tight....dam I'm cumming!"

"Shittt" Ben exclaimed as he felt the sudden eruption in his balls as he began shooting his cum deep inside Miranda's still squeezing pussy. He timed the thrusting of his hips to the pulsing of his orgasm. His cum, now mixing with Miranda's orgasm began to leak out around his cock as he felt himself shudder as her sex continued to spasm, clamping down around his dick. He lowered himself down on top of her as she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him as they caught their breath.

"I love you." They said simultaneously.

"Happy Halloween again." Miranda chimed rubbing his back up and down with one hand and cupping his head with her other.

"Mmm-hmm." Ben sounded snuggling into her neck.

Once upon a BenleyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ