Celebrity Crush

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Miranda walked into the Er and she grabbed her tablet and began to walk around looking at beds.

"Incoming trauma from a car accident, a truck crashed into a Bentley." Owen announced.

"Mmmm" Miranda thought about how expensive that Bentley was.

"Go gown up." Miranda told the interns who were standing idle.

She then walked back to a bed and took her stethoscope out. "Hi I'm doctor Miranda Bailey. I see on your chart that you have tenderness in the abdomen. Can you explain any other symptoms and I'm going to press lightly on your stomach." Miranda said as she put gloves on.

She accessed her patient and she kept hearing a bunch of ohs,  aww, and omgs. "What is going on?..excuse me for a second." Miranda said getting up.

Miranda's eyes went wide as saucers. "Idris Elba." She gasped. She then immediately fixed her hair and her white coat as she walked over.

"Hey hey. He is here to be treated not ogled and idolized. You have work to do. I'll handle this. Move move and if I catch a camera out you will be suspended or fired." Miranda ordered.

Miranda cleared the crowd and she went to the bed side. "Hi I am Doctor Miranda Bailey. Chief of surgery... let's move him to a bed and close the curtain for privacy." Miranda said to Owen as they began to wheel him in and move him to a bed closing the curtain.

She took her stethoscope out again and listened to his heart beat and took her light out to check his pupils. "How is your vision?" Miranda asked flashing the light back and forth.

"It's blurry." He spoke and Miranda could have melted from his British accent, she then pulled his shirt up. "Dam." Miranda whispered looking at his abs. She quickly snapped out of it and began to press around his stomach and he hissed from the pain.

"Abdomen is distended...Do you have any left shoulder pain, dizziness, lightheadedness?"

"I have all of that." He answered quickly in pain.

"I'm afraid you have a splenic rupture I am going to book an OR and we are going to get you prepped for surgery. First I'm going to get you to CT to check and make sure you don't have any brain injury and nothing is over looked." Miranda told him.

"Okay and it's okay Doc to Fan girl." He told her.

Miranda looked over at him confused. "You didn't do the whole Omg it's Idris Elba. Can I get a picture or autograph but then again a woman as Beautiful, established, and intelligent like you probably wouldn't think nothing of a little old actor like me." He said softly.

Miranda gave him a wide smile. "Well I thought it was a little too early to ask for a picture Mr. Elba but believe me, I fan girled on the inside, thank you for the compliment...come on let's get you up to CT." Miranda cheesed.

As she pushed the curtain back and pushed him down the hall to the elevator. Miranda had her resident help him get into a gown and then they put him into a CT machine.

"Is it really him?" Maggie asked running inside the room.

"Yes in the flesh." Miranda cheesed.
"And he called me beautiful." Miranda exclaimed in disbelief.

"You're not seriously pining after him... you're married. Let me have him. I'll take over this service." Maggie exclaimed.

"Please I know I'm married and Ben knows how I feel about Idris Elba. My husband is at home on his day off and I'm here and in the presence of Idris. I would never cross a line with him so that being said no, he's staying on my service and I can live out my one fantasy."

Idris's head CT checked out good and now he was ready to be prepared for surgery.

Miranda pulled out her phone and dialed her husband's number. "Hello." Ben said softly.

"Hey what'cha doing?" Miranda asked excitedly.

"I'm sleeping like any firefighter who just came off a 24 hour shift." Ben chuckled.

"Guess what?" Miranda asked.

"What?" Ben asked.

"Idris Elba is here."

"Miranda be serious." Ben laughed.

"No babe I'm serious. He got into a car accident. I just finished his head CT and now I'm about to go in and fix his ruptured spleen. " Miranda explained giddy.


"Yes and he called me beautiful, established, and successful." Miranda added.

"Is that so...well I see no lies told." Ben replied. "Baby I'm glad you're dream is coming true but I'm going back to sleep. Tell me all about it when you get home and have fun." Ben told her.

"Have fun?" Miranda questioned.

"Yeah, your in the presence of your celebrity crush. He called you beautiful. I'm sure famous or not he sees what I see. Let him compliment you and what ever. Live in the moment. I trust you. I know you would never cross the line."

"Mmmm I love a secure man." Miranda teased.

"I know you know where home is." Ben responded.

"That I do. Okay I love you. I will see you later." Miranda replied.

"Alright I'll see you later."

Miranda put her phone up and walked into the room as they were done preparing him for surgery.

"Hey Doctor Bailey How long will I be in here. I have a movie premiere on Friday." He asked hopeful.

"Hospital stay is only 3 days for this procedure so that puts you right at Friday but I don't know if you will be able to go to a movie premiere."

"How about you come with me?"

"What!?" Miranda gasped.

"Yeah what better person to have as my date other than my doctor. You can monitor and make sure I'm okay. The only thing I have to do is walk the red carpet, take a few pictures and then get inside to my seat." He explained. "Please be my date."

"I'm sure my husband would hate to hear you say it's a date." Miranda stated raising her eyebrow.

" and I think my wife would too, Well think of it as publicity for the hospital. I do a little PR about how you saved my life and performed my surgery "He suggested and Miranda smiled.

"Deal." She told him but she was so excited to be going to an event with all celebrities.

"Gosh now I have to find something to wear." Miranda said with a smile.

"Here take my black card. It's in my wallet. Treat your self."

"I don't know if you know but I have million dollar hands. I'm a millionaire. I got it." She told him proudly.

"You're so different than any other woman I have met. Most women regardless of the wealth, they have would have jumped at the chance to take my black card." He said and Miranda laughed.

"I'm a different breed Idris. What I would love though is to drive your Bentley." Miranda laughed.

"It's getting fixed but it should be ready by Friday. I'll let you take it for a spin."

Miranda took him into surgery and it went perfect. "Okay good you are awake, surgery was a success I-

"I had no doubt doctor Bailey…with the million dollar hands."

Miranda laughed at him. "You sure are a smooth talker, no wonder you were the named sexiest man alive in the people's magazine."

"Ahh so you've keep up with me."

"I have. I told you I was a fan." She explained blushing.

"I'm making your cheeks go red." He teased.

Miranda rolled her eyes. "My residents will be coming and handling post operation care. It's getting late so I have paperwork and I shall see you tomorrow."

"Rushing home to your husband?" He questioned.

"In fact, I am. Why isn't your wife rushing in here?" She asked looking at her watch.

"I told her I'm fine before surgery and it wasn't necessary. We got into an argument before I came out here to Seattle so..

"Argument or not. There would be nothing stopping me from getting to my husband if something were to happen to him. I don't care if he was on the other side of the country I'm getting on a plane." Miranda rushed out disappointed.

"It's complicated." He spoke.

"Clearly." Miranda returned.

Miranda came home and she ate dinner with Ben, telling him about everything and showing him her selfies.

"I'm glad you had a good day." He smiled as he got up to wash the dishes.

Friday came and Miranda finished the touches on her makeup and she smiled at herself in the mirror. Her hair was in a soft half up half down style. She had on round charm drop earrings and the necklace to match. She was dressed in a silver V-neck split joint sequin dress.

Miranda sat down in the chair and she grabbed her glitter stilettos and placed them on her feet standing to grab her clutch.

"Hey Miran-- Mmm dammmmm and where are you going?” Ben asked quickly looking her up and down as he walked into their bedroom. Miranda didn't even notice the front had door opened.

" hey baby and oh Idris.

"No." Ben immediately snapped.

"It's not a date."

"Dam right it's not."

"Its his movie premiere, Ben it's just publicity for the hospital."

"Miranda you are pushing it and sliding on thin ice. You have lost your fucking mind." Ben yelled and Miranda jumped, gasping at the way he was talking to her.

"You have made me angry before…Plenty of times but I can’t explain this type of rage I’m feeling now. I told you to have 1 day and your ass has let this go on for four and you knew I was going to react like this because you weren't even going to tell me you were going." Ben said angrily.

"It slipped my mind Ben. I only agreed when he told me about the PR and interviews. He asked for help."

" bullshit it slipped your mind and I don't give a dam what he asked for Miranda. You are my wife." Ben's voice boomed. " and now you think I'm supposed to be okay with my wife walking around with a single man as a date to a party."

" He's married and has been for a long time. Oh my god you are really jealous." Miranda teased.

"I'm not jealous Miranda. I'm territorial. Jealous is when you want something that's not yours. Territorial is protecting what's already yours and I’m also angry. You may think because he's a celebrity that he wouldn't be interested in you but that's far from the truth. He clearly can see your beauty, your scrubs, dresses and even dress pants do nothing to hide your impressive shape and wonderful ass. One smile and the man could easily want to take you home to his bed especially because his wife is not here. I didn't put all this work in, all these years in for some celebrity to just come along and scoop up my wife." Ben argued and his hand was literally balled up and shaking in anger.

"Nobody's scooping me up baby. I'm yours, I would never want to be with anybody else. You're everything to me. I mean that with all my heart. I promise you this Ben Warren." Miranda said softly looking into his eyes.

Ben sighed and pulled her closer by pulling the sides of her dress.” fine go to the stupid ass movie premiere. You better be so glad that I haven't met Nia Long." Ben retorted and Miranda scowled at him.

"I’m just a regular old firefighter. Not good enough to be with the Miranda Bailey chief of surgery. "

"Hush and I could never forget who helped me get there. I wouldn't be where I am with out you. You're the one who is there for me every single day, you encourage me, feed, fuck and finance me. No one could ever make me feel the way you do." Miranda assured him.

"Miranda I never ever want to loose you." Ben said placing his head into her neck.

"You could never loose me. I'm too helplessly in love with you."

"If you didn't know Miranda. You still got it."

Miranda chuckled. "So you've said. I don't care if I got it or not as long as I still have it with you." Miranda replied cupping his cheek before kissing his lips.

Ben kissed her back passionately and their tongues began to dance together sensually. Ben slipped his hand through the split of her dress and lifted her thigh and he groaned when he saw the other split. "Two splits Miranda really." Ben sighed still kissing her lips as he reached for her panties.

"Aht aht. Benjamin I know what you're trying to do and I'm not going to be late. "

Ben groaned putting her leg down. "I will see you later tonight baby."

"Yeah and don't stay out too late, come home at a decent time." Ben insisted.

"Yes sir daddy." Miranda joked.

Miranda left and she went to the hospital. She walked up to the lobby and just as she was walking inside she saw Idris dressed in a suit and his assistant walking beside him.

"Good evening." Miranda smiled.

"Good evening...Miranda if I may."

"Miranda's fine. How are you feeling are you walking okay. What's the pain level?" Miranda questioned.

"I'm fine and you look stunning."

" Thank you so much."

The assistant lead them to his Bentley and Miranda gasped. "It's beautiful."

"Here you go." He stated handing her the keys. 

"You’re really going to let me drive." Miranda awed.

"Yeah, the premier is 30 minutes from here. Come on we will put the GPS in. "

Miranda followed the directions and she pulled up,  handing the keys to the valet attending.

"People are going to be wondering if I got a new wife."

"No people are going to be wondering when did you trade in the model sticks for a whole lotta woman with real woman curves...no offense." Miranda laughed and she watched as he looked her up and down licking his lips. "None taken." He replied and Miranda laughed again hitting his chest as they walked inside.

She listened to Idris talk to the people on the red carpet. "Who is the Woman you brought with you tonight Idris." Many press people asked.

"That woman is actually my doctor. As you all know, it was on the news that I got into a bad a car accident and this woman." He started, ushering her over.

"This is the prestige Dr. Miranda Bailey Chief of Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial hospital. She performed a life saving surgery and saved my life. I invited her along to babysit me." He chuckled. "To make sure that I'm okay because I'm 3 days post operation, although I think everything will go smoothly because she is Doctor Miranda Bailey an African American Surgeon who is the first female chief of surgery at one of the most top ranking hospitals in the country."

Miranda smiled as he talked to all these camera men and then he posed with the cast of the movie. This honestly was a nice lifestyle and the more she looked around. She honestly wished Ben was here with her, she love when they went out together. They had there own inside jokes and they would be so wrapped up in each other that they'd forget others were in the room. In a room full of people her eyes would always meet his, just to find that he had already been looking, they had their own language with out even speaking. Ben made her feel like she was the only thing that mattered.

Miranda sat at the dinner table and she ate her food and made casual conversation with everyone. She was sitting beside Katheryn Winnick who she recognized from a few movies. "So, Doctor Bailey are you married?" Katheryn asked.

"Yes I am, about 12 years." Miranda answered proudly.

"How did you know he was the one? I've dated people but it's hard when you are in a famous position or make more money than the other person. Was that a problem for you?"

"Actually it's easy to know who's the one for you but it's hard to let your guard down and actually allow that person to be the one for you. My husband and I's second date, he took me to an art museum and there were all these panting on the wall and sculptures all around...all of this beautiful art and yet he was staring at me the whole night. He showed me time and time again that he was the one for me and you have to let yourself believe that. See I was so focused on Yeah he's showing me that he's the one now but what will happen 6 years down the line or 12, will he still be this same guy. People change and all these other things but do you miss out on a good man and the good years you could have with them because you are scared of the future... I never had a problem with the money subject we initially started off in the same bracket until 3 years after marriage, I tripled what he made. Then I became a millionaire maybe two years after that but I never looked at him differently or talked about me having more money because everything that happened in our marriage is ours, there is no I it's us."

"My husband holds his end in every aspect. Whatever I lack he's got. He balances me out. If I have a minor set back, he's there to help us make a better come back. If I had a bad day, he will make it a better night. He's my back bone, he keeps me motivated and at the top. He appreciates me and remains consistent. I never had to doubt his loyalty. He's the only person that I know got me and us." Miranda explained with a smile.

"You need a secure man. I found a man that wasn't trying to control me but he watches me do my thing and he's like that's my girl."

"But most men can't handle a woman who doesn't need them for anything." Katheryn stated.

"If they get that idea out of their heads...even the most strong and independent woman still wants their hand held, fore head kissed, to be listened to, have someone to talk with, and wants to be loved and cherish. We may not need them financially but we do want them to be our other half who is there for us in all the other ways like mentally and physically. I think it's better to be wanted than to be needed when it comes to a relationship initially. If I want you that's my choice, I'm saying I choose you and I pick you. Needing someone just seems like it could be anybody as long as they do these things for you. Eventually it will become need because now I need my husband, like I probably couldn't breathe properly if he was to leave this earth. It's a crippling love. I love him almost to a fault now." Miranda said then took a sip of her drink.

"Wow you seem to have it all figured out "

"Well I'm still learning things every single day about my marriage so not quite."

"So you're really saying that independent women actually want Alpha males and not people they can boss around." Idris asked.

" Why would we want men to boss around. That’s not true, we don't act like we wear the pants. We play our role as a wife. We can only do what you allow but yes we want a real man. A gentleman who can take care of us, again it doesn't have to be financial, but ravage us in bed, and put us in our place when needed. We will move mountains and make room for that man in our life."

"That's it." Katheryn agreed.

After the movie premiere was over Miranda drove back to the hospital. "Hey you take it easy okay." Miranda told Idris.

"And for the next couple of days just rest and lay down. Don't keep getting up and down you pushed it to the max tonight."

"I won't and it was very nice meeting you Doctor Bailey. I appreciate everything. I will be giving you a call to partner with the hospital and for the list of your hospital charities that me and other celebrities can donate and help with."

"It was my pleasure and very nice meeting you and I look forward to that" Miranda smiled as she hugged him before turning to walk to her car.

Miranda came home and she walked into the house, quietly walking to her bed room. She looked at Ben sleep when she opened the door and she knew he went to sleep thinking. He almost never slept on his back unless he was staring up at the ceiling deep in thought.

Miranda tiptoed to the bathroom and she wiped her makeup off, brushed her teeth and then took her dress and heels off. She came out of the bathroom in her bra and panties and she looked at Ben once again before crawling over top of him and straddling his waist, leaning down to kiss his lips.

"Mmm how was it?" Ben mumbled sleepily.

"It was good but you know what was missing the whole night." Miranda started waiting for his reply.

"What?" Ben questioned as he opened his eyes and then rubbed them slightly.

"You." Miranda told him.

"I kept thinking about you and us and what we would have been doing if we were there together. How we would hold hands, smile, laugh, and eat off each other. You're my best friend. I would never want to go to another event like that and you not be there. You are my other half, you complete me. I don't care if it was the president who invited me. I wouldn't go with out you. " Miranda told him and Ben smiled rubbing the out sides of her thigh.

"From the day I met you Miranda. You are all I can think about. You are the stars in my sky. I hated that you were out there tonight with all of those celebrities and it's not that I don't trust you because I do. You are just amazing,  heavenly beautiful and I know that others can see that too."

"You know all this time I've had it confused on who my celebrity crush was?”

"Huh?" Ben asked confused. She always told him Idris was so handsome and watched all his movies.

"You know how most of the time when you have a celebrity crush. You get excited because of the notification that they've posted something, you sit and stare at their picture and you can't help but smile." Miranda asked.

" but tonight I realized it’s you. I ship us, You're my favorite notification, You're all I think about, I get caught up in your smile, I save all of your pictures to my phone, Just hearing your name makes me smile...I fan girl you Ben Warren." Miranda cheesed and her smile reflected in her husband's.

"Is that right?" Ben questioned biting his lip.

"Mmm-hmm." Miranda nodded and began to bite hers.

"Well it's seems like my number 1 fan deserves to be shown how much I love her." Ben teased sitting up to kiss her lips.

"Yeah I do, so come on super star, I'll show you what groupies do." Miranda giggled as Ben flipped them over.

“I love you.” Ben stated against her lips.

“I love you too.” Miranda chimed wrapping her arms around his neck.

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