Sexy Santa

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"Thank you, Bailey," Vic smiled and walked with her to her car.

"No problem, I will do anything I can to support. I have a donation box set up at the hospital. Pruitt was a good man he deserves to go out the proper way." Miranda spoke opening her trunk.

"He truly was, and we wouldn't be here without him. He was a great captain,"

Miranda nodded and closed the trunk after she sat the box down.

After getting home she pulled up beside Ben and watched as he got out of his car.

Ben opened Miranda's car door and grabbed her hand.

"Hey baby," Ben greeted kissing her lips.

"Hey babe," she smiled as he helped her out of the car. "Can you grab the box out of the trunk for me?"

"What's in the box?" Ben asked as he opened the trunk and grabbed it.

"Oh, I stopped by the station to pick up my case."

"Case of what...the calendars?"

"Yes, I supported the fundraiser for the funeral," Miranda answered smiling.

"Oh my god, what are you doing with that many? You taking them to the hospital?"

"If I was taking it to the hospital why would you be carrying them in the house? These are for me." Miranda smirked.

" It was 25 dollars a calendar. You bought a case that holds 100. Miranda that's 2,500 dollars you've spent. You wanted a calendar of all of us. We look ridiculous."

"I'm glad you know math and I am only worried about December." Miranda licked her lips as she walked through the door and down the hall to their bedroom.

"Miranda I look ridiculous." He scuffed locking the front door.

"You look sexy." Miranda returned turning to look at him as he sat the box on the dresser.

Miranda moved to the box and opened it up. She flipped quickly to December. "Jesus." She moaned.

"Miranda be serious I look like a clown. I'm a doctor. Not a model for Playboy magazine. This is just disrespectful and clownery."

"Ben I am being serious you look sexy as hell. I'm mad that everyone gets to see this. This should be for me." Miranda told him still looking at the calendar.

"So you bought 100 of them." Ben laughed.

"That's 100 fewer women that get to look at my prized possession," Miranda remarked. "Who the hell asked you to model with your shirt off anyway? Did you ask me if your body could be sold for charity? Had I would have known I would have bought you out"

"Okay Mrs. Millionaire, I honestly don't know what I was thinking when I took them. I just wasn't thinking this."

"If I took these pictures it would have been a different story but you just do what you want to do "

"I better not ever see nothing of the sort." He scuffed.

"Uh huh but you get to walk around looking like you want to scrooge," she rolled her eyes.

"What!?" Ben laughed catching the joke.

"Yeah, like you want someone to shimmy down your chimney and make it a not-so-silent night."

"So you hate the calendar but like it?" He clarified.

"I dislike that the whole community will see you with your shirt off." She blew out a breath grabbed the calendar again and sat on the bed " husband looks like he knows where all the naughty girls live,"

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