Christmas at the Warren's

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Miranda sat in the kitchen and watched Pru eat her pancakes.

"All gone." Pru informed

"You done sweetie?"

"Mmm-hmm." She moved happily in her seat holding up the plate and Miranda saw the syrup sliding.

"It was good?" Miranda laughed looking at her licking her lips.

"Yummy." Pru smacked holding up her spoon.

"Okay let's get you clean up my sticky girl."

Miranda took her plate and spoon, rinsing it before putting it in the dishwasher. She picked up Pru and carried her to her bedroom.

She set a timer for 15 minutes after she ran some water and added bubbles. Anything less than 15 minutes Pru was going to cry when it was time to get out.

Miranda never thought she would see the day where her tub would be filled with rubber ducks and Barbie dolls.

After getting her out and drying her off she rubbed lotion on her body, tickling her. She put a pull-up on her before putting on another pair of pajamas. They had a few hours before they were going out.

Hearing the doorbell ring. Miranda walked to the door.

"Hi Mrs. Miranda."

"Hi Madison, hi Kelly." Miranda greeted. "Did your moms drop you off."

"My mom dropped us both off." Madison answered.

"Okay. I wish she would have came in." Miranda pouted. "The boys should be down in a few minutes."

They both nodded and sat on the couch.

"What do you all have planned for today? I know the boys said the mall. Anything else?"

"Last minute Christmas shopping if any and ice skating."

"That sounds like fun."

"Hey ma." Tuck said coming down the stairs. He hugged her and kissed her cheek before tickling Pru.

Pru reached for him and he took her out of Miranda's arms.

Joey came down stairs and hugged Miranda before she kissed his cheek.

"Well don't you look handsome." She smiled looking at the sweater she bought him.

"Thank you." He smiled. "Are yall ready?" He asked looking around the room.

"Yeah." Tuck responded sitting Pru on her feet and she took off to the corner of the room where her toys were.

"Okay you four have fun and drive safe." Miranda smiled at them

"By Mrs. Miranda, Merry Christmas." Kelly said.

"Merry Christmas." Madison stated opening the door.

"Okay, Merry Christmas to you both too."

After the four teens left. Miranda cleaned up the house. She let Pruitt play with her toys, keeping her occupied.

Miranda looked at the time and got Pru dressed. She put her on a white long sleeve shirt, brown fleece vest, jeans and brown uggs. After doing her hair she let her look at her phone her while she got dressed.

"Hello." Pru said answering Miranda's phone.

"Is this Pru?" Meredith asked giggling.

"Yes." She smiled.

"You're such a big girl answering the phone.

Are you ready for Santa?" Meredith asked.

"Mmm-hmm. He's bringing me toys."

"So you have been nice?"

"Are you on the phone?" Miranda asked coming out of the bathroom holding lip gloss in her hand.

Pru nodded and handed Miranda her phone. She looked down at the screen and read Meredith Grey.

"Good morning Grey."

"Good morning Bailey. Are you two ready?"

"Yes we are leaving the house now, I know about time management unlike some people."

"Hey I'm on time today, you tell that to Teddy, Jo, and Amelia."

"Is April and Jackson in town yet? I know they RSVP for Christmas Dinner tomorrow, but maybe Harriet wants to see the parade too."

"I will call and ask. See you in 20 minutes.

" Maybe 30 because I have to pick up Wilson."


"I want some." Pru said tapping her lips.

"Say please."

"Pleaseeeeee." She held out.

"Okay." Miranda took her clear lip gloss and applied it to her lips telling her to smack them.

'You look so pretty." Miranda cheesed showing Pru herself on the camera.

Miranda smiled in the camera taking a picture with her. "Are you ready to go ms Pru?" Miranda asked and she jumped off her bed to the floor.

"Careful." Miranda responded to the enthusiastic little girl.

Getting Pru buckled into her car seat. Miranda cut on Christmas music and began driving to Jo's house.

Miranda pulled up at Jo's penthouse building and called her letting her know she was outside.

"Hey chief." She smiled.

"Good morning and good morning miss Luna." Miranda cooed as she put her car seat

in the car.

"Hi Pru." Jo smiled happily and Pru waved saying Hi.

After strapping her car seat in. Jo got in the front seat.

"It's going to be a lot of people? Are you sure we are going to be able to find some where to park?"

Miranda reached to the side of her and pulled out 4 parking passes and some lanyard passed.

"Courtesy of being Grey Sloan doctors and because I save the Mayor's life." Miranda boasted.

"She gave you VIP parking passes and front of the line spots for the parade."

"Yep and I know Pru, Allison and Leo. Wants to see the frozen characters." Miranda replied.

Miranda answered her phone through the car as Meredith called. "Hey is that you behind me?" Miranda asked.


"Okay good follow me to the parking lot and park beside me and I can give you a parking pass."

"This is VIP parking." Meredith commented.

"I know courtesy of the mayor." Miranda responded parking. Miranda then got out and handed Meredith her pass.

They all looked as Teddy pulled up beside them and Amelia was in the front seat.

"Since when did those two get close like that?" Miranda asked with a chuckle.

"They shared the same man." Jo responded.

"Do you think I would ride in the car with anyone my husband sleep with and got pregnant after going to another country to profess his love too." Miranda asked looking at Jo.

"I'll answer that for you...hell no." Miranda laughed.

"They put their awkwardness and differences aside for the kids plus they never had nothing against one another. All of it was Owens fault. " Meredith explained.

"Oh heyyy." Miranda greeted as Amelia walked up.

"Here let me get baby girl out and this is you all's parking pass." Miranda chimed handing it to Amelia.

Miranda went into her trunk to get Pru's big girl stroller out. She helped her get in and fastened the strap around her waist.

Everyone began to walk and talk, walking around and down the street. "Horses." Pru chimed and Miranda smiled looking at the big horse drawn carriage.

The college marching band and majorettes where playing and dancing down the street. It was a huge snow globe float with live people dressed as snowmen waving.

Miranda loved the elves that walked the street and danced as the passed out bells. She knew that she was going to have to hold that bell. The elf told her that only the kids who believe in Santa can hear the bell and now she wouldn't stop ringing it.

"I believe." She chanted, Miranda couldn't help but smile and pull her phone out to record her. It was such a priceless moment and she knew Ben would want to see this.

"It's Elsa and Anna." She shouted excitedly tapping Miranda.

"I know honey I see." Miranda smiled.

"Come." Elsa said and Miranda looked at this woman wearily. If she thought her baby was getting on that float and riding down the street she was insane.

"I wanna come. I wanna come." Leo chanted.

"Come all of you." Elsa smiled to them.

"Here you guys go and I’ll watch you all’s strollers." Jo said pulling out her camera to take pictures and Miranda nodded taking Pru out of the stroller, she held her hand as they walked into the street and got on the float with the others.

"Hi Ana." Pru waved with the biggest smile.

"Hi what's you're name ?" Ana asked.

"It's Pruitt." She cheesed and the woman leaned down and hugged her.

Miranda then knew that this was going to be a Christmas she would never forget and she was glad she wanted her to be happy after her dad passed.

They had reindeer pulling the float and Olaf was talking to each of them. The parade came to a close and everyone went the restaurant downtown for lunch.

Getting home, Miranda carried Pru inside and laid her down on her bed. She sat her diaper bag on the floor and climbed on the bed herself, she was worn out.

After their well needed nap they play games for a while, then Miranda sat beside Pru in her apron as they used cookie cutters and made shapes of, Christmas trees, Santa, candy canes, gingerbread men, and reindeer."

She heard the door bell ring and she quickly wiped her hands on her apron. She picked Pru up and walked to the door.

"Hey." Miranda smiled widely. "Look who it is honey." She stated looking at Andy, Maya and Vic who had a handful of gifts.

"We bought gifts for the boys and Pru to open in the morning." Andy smiled.

"Come in." Miranda said stepping back. "You can put them over there under the tree."

Vic picked up Pru and tossed her in the air. Miranda wanted to mother her. You shouldn't do strenuous stuff after a heart attack, she knew first hand.

"We are baking cookies if you want to help. We made the dough already, now we are just cutting them into shapes."

"I'm excited." Andy clapped before washing her hands.

Vic and Maya washed their hands
before helping make new shapes of cookies.

Miranda put one batch in the oven so they could take some before they left.

"Wow Bailey these cookies are so good." Maya and Andy stated grabbing another and Vic grabbed more before getting up and pouring herself some milk.

Miranda smiled. She didn't really make the dough. That would have took much work. She bought the already made dough and put it in a bowl.

After they left and took a batch to the fire station. Miranda started getting the ingredients out to make dinner. She was going to make a quick chicken, broccoli ,and cheese casserole, but in order for her picky children an husband to eat it she had to call it macaroni and cheese with chicken and broccoli.

She put the cookies in the oven and let her sit on the counter and watch her cook. Letting her do little things like add cheese and chicken broth to the pot.

"Cookies, cookies. I want some cookies."

"Okay sweetie let's eat dinner first then cookies." Miranda smiled.

Miranda put Pru in her highchair and grabbed her phone calling Tuck.

"Hey ma?"

"I know I told you and your brother to have fun, but I did not say be out all day."

"We know Ma and we are sorry. We went to go see the lights down at the pier."

"No invite, Pru and I would have loved to see it."

"Mom." He whined.

"I know you're too cool for us." She dragged out.

"Never." he laughed.

"I was really calling to tell you both that dinner is ready. Kelly and Madison are welcome to come. "

"Okay the light show should be over in 45 minutes."

"Ok. Be safe, you two."

"We will."

After eating dinner and cookies. Miranda took Pru out the high chair. She let her put cookies on the table in the living room for Santa.

"Okay Bed time missy. " Miranda instructed before lifting her and bringing her into her room. She took the barrettes and rubber bands out her hair. Before undoing the 3 twist she had in. She combed her hair and left it in an afro.

Miranda smiled and her heart soared when she began singing the brush your teeth song with out her help.

"Brush your teeth up and down.
Brush your teeth round and round.
Brush your teeth from left to right.
Brush your teeth in the morning and night." Pru sung looking up at Miranda. "Sing." She chanted and Miranda laughed before joining in.

"You ready?" She asked after she put on her Christmas pajamas it had green and white stripes on the pants and sleeves and her shirt had a baby reindeer on it.

"Hey my two favorite girls." Ben smiled leaning against the door frame.

"Just in time." Miranda smiled up at her husband.

"Which book are we reading?" He asked grabbing two for Pru to choose from.

"Rudolph or Frosty?" Miranda asked cuddling up on the side of her on the small bed.

"Rudolph." She cheered and Ben came up on the side of her.

"There were many reindeers at the North Pole, where Santa Claus lived. To deliver toys and gifts to children on Christmas Eve, he chose the eight of the best reindeers to pull his sleigh. His team of reindeers included Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen." Ben read making sure to show the pictures. A little ways into it the boys came home and sat on the floor in Pru's room and listened to the story as well. They made the story fun by adding sound effects.

Miranda loved this lifestyle. She was blessed and lucky. When she fell asleep, Miranda slid off the bed and pulled the blanket up on her.

Ben put the book up and cut the night light on before cutting the light off.

Everyone tip toed out and she cracked the door walking to the kitchen.

Tuck and Joey came into the kitchen and reached for a cookie that was stacked on a plate.

"Don't eat those your mom and Pru made them." Ben instructed. Tuck and Joey laughed stepping back from the plate.

"Hey, I'll have you know. I can cook."

They made themselves a plate of food and grabbed one cookie each to test it out.

"Some one has to eat one and drink the milk." Miranda whined.

"You do it then." Ben laughed.

"The cookies are good,  I promise you. Pru and I ate some earlier. Vic, Andy, and Maya liked them too."

"When did they come over?" Ben asked curiously.

"Around 3. They brought gifts for in the morning."

"Boys get the gifts out the closet of our bedroom." Miranda yelled from the kitchen. She heard the shuffling of their feet so she knew they got up.

"Miranda what are you doing?" Ben asked watching her take a plate of baking soda and a spray bottle and walk to the living room.

"Santa had to be here. Now go get me one of your boots" Miranda instructed and he walked off still a bit confused. He walked into their bedroom and grabbed one of his boots from out of the closet before walking back into the living room.

Ben handed her the boot and watched intently as she took the water bottle and sprayed the bottom of the boot before dipping it into the plate of baking soda. She then pressed the boot down right in front of their fire place and repeated the step beside the first one she place but a little ways up.

She did this until she reached the gifts under the tree.

Ben smiled as she put two foot prints in front of the recliner. "Here eat a cookie." Miranda encouraged and Ben took one and Miranda took one biting into it and laughing. "Now bite the last one and leave it to be seen." And then pour that milk out but leave like 25 percent left In the glass."

Ben did as told and came back into the living room, setting the glass down. "If I didn't know any better, I would have thought Santa was here." Miranda chimed.

"Mmm-hmm." Ben agreed and he pulled Miranda into him.

"I love these pajamas." Ben added pulling at the material.

"I figured you would my love." Miranda hummed.

She had on a red onesie with fluffy white cuffs on the ankles and wrists. Ben backed away not wanting the boys to see him ogle his wife.

He stuffed the 5 stockings hanging from the fireplace with money and gift cards while the boys were gone and added in Pru's little toys and candy.

The boys carried everything out and started putting them under the tree.

"Why does Pru have more boxes than us?" Tuck asked looking at it and Miranda still had some she needed to finish wrapping.

"Because Pru is a child. Your gifts are more expensive then hers. She gets toys, Barbie dolls and art sets, meanwhile I’m spending thousands on gifts for you all."

"See what your mother said. She didn't say a thousand she said thousands." Ben clarified. "Now help us finish wrapping her gifts." He added cutting on the fire place.

"Does anyone want hot chocolate while I'm making some."

"Yes please and more cookies." Joey nodded.

"Me too." Tuck agreed.

"Me three." Ben added.

"You don't need hot chocolate, I provide you that year round." Miranda teased and Ben laughed before pecking her lips.

"Gross." Tuck gagged as he began wrapping the rest of the gifts.

Miranda bought a tray of cookies and their cups of Hot cocoa with lots of marshmallows on the top.

"So your mom told me you both went out with Kelly and Madison today." Ben said wiggling his eyebrows. "How did that go?"

"Yeah it went good. the advice you gave worked." Joey smiled while Ben shook his head and swiped his hand under his chin to get him to stop talking.

"What advice?" Miranda whipped around and Ben quickly put his hand down.

"Nothing Miranda." He replied.

"No tell me. What did you tell my sweet babies?"

"I just said that If they reassure them "Kelly and Madison" that they only want to be with them and no one else and that they see a future with them. They would get a kiss."

Miranda gasped and elbowed him in the stomach. "You were just saying that?"

"What?" Ben asked confused.

"On our third date, the whole I don't want to be your friend, I have enough friends. Then you kiss me, you ass."

"Miranda I-“

"Save it."

"Miranda I meant what I said then. I was in love with you, by date three and I have been in love with you ever since. And that was 13 years ago."

"Yeah well, still." She pouted.

"You wanted me to kiss you anyway." He said seriously.

"Of course, after what you said."

"Let's not forget you told me to wait for you and you were seeing someone else."

"Okay we're even." She said quickly not wanting to elaborate.

"Wait I want the story on this." Joey laughed. " You dated someone else and had Ben on the side lines?"

"Yep." Ben shook his head firmly

"No, I didn't know he was waiting for me. I thought we broke up."  Miranda stated seriously. Her husband was never going to let her live that down.

"I waited a whole year." He told them.

"Now that's cold." Tuck laughed.

"I know." Ben agreed. "Imagine the heartbreak of seeing her with the guy."

"Baby." Miranda whined.

"I'm not mad. I felt bad for the man a smidge. Only a smidge, like a grain of salt." He said demonstrating with his fingers.

"Why?" Joey questioned.

"Because. Here he is thinking they are building something and heading towards a serious relationship and she broke up with him the first day she saw me again. They were supposed to be going out to dinner or something like that." Ben boasted.

"You are so arrogant." Miranda said rolling her eyes heavily.

"What it's the truth." He laughed.

"Okay and you got me back. You're a gift I get to open everyday of my life as I am to you."

"Not one lie told." Ben acknowledged.

"Oooh time for our tradition." Miranda said excitedly checking the time.

The boys clapped and stood examining the gifts. This is what they had been waiting on.

"I don't know which one to pick?" Joey stated looking.

"Me either." Tuck agreed looking at all the boxes.

"What type of gift do you want to open?" Ben questioned.

"Electronic." They both answered simultaneously.

"Alright. Grab the big box with your names on it."

Tuck grabbed a big box wrapped in red wrapping paper and decorated with a green bow. While Joey grab the big box that was wrapped the opposite.

Miranda leaned into Ben as her sons sat on the floor and began tearing into the wrapping paper.

"Oh my God." Joey exclaimed pulling the paper off faster, but already seeing the PlayStation symbol.

"You didn't." Tuck shouted staring at the PlayStation 5.

"We did." Miranda cheesed nodding her head.

"So what do you think?" Ben asked staring at the two awestruck teens.

"I think that we have the best parents in the world." Tuck stated.

"Thank you guys so much." Joey added before hugging them both.

"You're welcome, but don't be on that game all night either." Miranda parented.

"Okay. Now you two go." Tuck said sitting on the couch beside them.

"Okay Benjamin pick something." Miranda encouraged.

"I know well enough, that the best gift couldn't be wrapped and it is outside or in the garage, so I want that one first."

Miranda burst out laughing, he was right. She was definitely going to switch it up next year.

"It's outside in the backyard." She told him sweetly.

Ben eyes lit up and he stood up before grabbing Miranda's hand and pulling her up.

They walked to the back door and Miranda cut the light on before opening the slide door and walking onto the deck with him.

Ben turned his head and his eyes widened. She bought him the new outdoor kitchen. Mont Alpi 805 Black Stainless Steel Island with Beverage Center. It had the grill, smoker, refrigerator, sink, and dishwasher attached.

He quickly ran over and stood looking at everything.

"Ben it's cold and you don't have shoes nor a coat on." She chastised.

"Good job on his gift mom."

"Everything is going to be grilled for the next two weeks."

You both are right about that." She agreed chuckling.

"Baby." Ben shouted running back onto the deck he lifted her up and spun her around before kissing her lips repeatedly.

"Thank you." He whispered against them and she moaned lightly.

"You're welcome. I have another gift that you can open tonight." She whispered in his ear. Before pulling his earlobe between her teeth.

"We'll be inside." Tuck said rolling his eyes and they heard the door open.

"I wish I could open it now." Ben moaned against her lips gripping her ass.

Miranda smiled pushing him back grabbing his hand to go back in to the house.

"Pick one." Ben encouraged.

"A small one means silver or gold. I want that box." Miranda pointed and Ben laughed.

Miranda opened the box and her heart warmed at the necklace that was inside it was beautiful. It was a Mother's Custom Birthstone Cascading Hearts Family Pendant Necklace, their names were beside each stone William, Joseph and Pruitt.

"This is amazing and so beautiful." Miranda smiled wearily trying not to cry.

Ben took it out the box and helped her put it on.

"Thank you boys. I love it." She said hugging both of them.

"You're welcome."

Miranda looked over at Ben as his cell phone rung. "Aww shoot." Ben groaned blowing out a breath.

"What's the matter?"

"It’s an apartment fire I got to go in. "

"But we didn't even get to watch movies and...well you." Miranda pouted.

"I know baby I'm sorry. I don't think I will be gone for long." Ben stated sadly leaning down to kiss her lips.

"Well let me grab your jacket and shoes and walk you out."

Ben left and the boys went to go lay down but she knew they were going to go set their game system up.

Miranda walked to Pru's door and she watched her for a few moments before going into her room. Miranda took a shower and lotion down. She grabbed her red baby doll lingerie dress. It was lace on top and mesh on the bottom. It was tied and kept together by a red bow right under her breast. She couldn't wait for her husband to get home and pull it a loose.

Waiting on him Miranda grew tired she laid in the bed and figured she would get up when he came home.

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