Secret O

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Miranda had been home from work for a while now, she quit her job and felt better every day because of it. Now with time on her hands, she was working on a new invention. The sex toy company she partner with used her prototype for an anal toy and she made a killing off of that a few years ago.

It sparked her interest to create another toy but this time vaginally.

It took her weeks to create her toy after a lot of sketching and tweaking but before she presented it to the company she needed to test it and once it was right she would create a second prototype. If she created it without any design flaws, then this little toy should make her orgasm harder than she ever have before with a toy and without making a sound. She had sky-high expectations for a toy so small.

Miranda laid on her bed and positioned herself. She was confident in this invention. She wanted something that was small and obscure. Something you could use privately without having to worry about the sound it would make. She named it secret O.

She touched herself a little, her thoughts always drifting to the man she loved. It was the quickest way to get turned on. She didn't want to overdo it because her toy relied on suction to stay inside. When she created it, she wanted to make something you can walk around without worrying about it staying inside.

She was a little nervous that her invention wouldn't do what it needed to do. She could be a biased participant because she wasn't a person that ever used toys. Only a few times in her life. Any time she needed an orgasm her husband was there to supply.

Miranda inhaled shakily as she turn it on and push it in, taking note of the ease it slips in with. Her eyes fell closed as her lips tip up into a smile. It felt good. Thank God.

She couldn’t help but giggle, relief rushing through her. It felt really good. There was a small part on the edges that stimulates the G-spot, and it felt really really great, not better than her husband of course but still, it could be a second runner-up or third place.

It was working perfectly, and she couldn’t hear a thing. No sound, no hint of the electronic device inside of her. Miranda swallowed hard as her thoughts faded away and desire overcame her. This toy is good. The way it felt....a soft moan escaped her lips, and she bit down on her lip. She knew she couldn't resist the feeling for too long. She already wanted to come. Her muscles contracted involuntarily, an orgasm catching her by surprise.

Miranda was not ready for that… and it didn’t feel as good as expected. It was too fast.

"Dam it, I should have timed it." She sighed. She needed to look into the time. Maybe a different setting? A build-up in speed possibly.  She needed to try more options for the next prototype.

Still, it was far better than what she expected. It got the job done, just too fast. Now the real test was if could she walk around with it. This entire product’s appeal was in its obscurity and its staying power. If it slips out when she walked around, it’ll be a failure, no matter how good it felt. It won’t have a unique selling point other competitors haven’t already perfected. Miranda's feet hit the floor, and she was nervous all over again.

"Okay, so far, so good." She nodded to herself as she walked over to her bedroom door, thanking God she was home alone.

She rested her hand against the wall in the hallway, her eyes falling closed as yet another orgasm threatened to overwhelm her. "Oh shit. This invention of mine is brilliant." She voiced.

Even now that she was worried and overthinking, it still kept her turned on. It wasn't slipping out, it was not moving at all. It was still perfectly positioned against her G-spot.

"Miranda you are a genius." She giggled to herself. Amazing.

Noting every sensation, every feeling. She knew It wasn't perfect yet, but the key elements were all there, and they were all working perfectly. She walked back to her room in a daze, turned on, proud, and relieved all at the same time. It made for some powerful emotions, and her relaxedness almost brought her close to another orgasm.

Once upon a BenleyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ