Mission 2:Memories and return to Musutafu

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Important stuff

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Third Person POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

Its been a few hours since the plane wheels went up, and Izuku can be seen seated alone on this small jet used by parabellum. In his hands are a few case files, a file on his partner for this mission, and one on a more personal issue.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Izuku POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 Izuku: " I still can't believe it, I mean it's a fucking quirk marriage and one dad or even parabellum for that matter can't deny."    I said out loud, not that anyone can hear me. Instead of the mutterings of my youth it had evolved into full-blown conversations with myself, some personality ticks just never go away. 

"The Yaoyorozu's huh.......why would one of the richest, oldest, military families in japan want a quirk marriage with a simple captain from Parabellum? I was trapped the second they decided on me. There is no way for me to defy the family that funds 80% of parabellum's operations in japan." I find my eyes once again drawn back to the file on my bride-to-be.

Izuku: "Momo Yaoyorozu, age:18 Bloodtype A, birthday: Sept 23 Ht: 5' 8'' Wt:Redacted ." I chuckled at that part. " At least someone at the intel department has some decency, or maybe it's because it was sent by the Yaoyorozu's themselves.

 Eh, moving on quirk: Creation, is able create anything non-living using the lipids within the body, so long as she knows its chemical make-up............ Well that explains why they want me, my quirk: Realize is so similar to her creation. If you where to combine the two and get the right balance, the kid would be able to make anything at anytime with out cost."

 I suddenly felt myself blushing realizing I'd, albeit briefly, went ahead an made a child with this girl i'd never met in my mind. "No picture either..... guess it doesn't really matter since I can't back out either way. I just hope she's a good person." 

I sighed deciding to put this problem on the back burner and let my mind wander back to 10 years ago to the day I finally broke, the day All-Might couldn't save everyone, the day my father chose my sister.......and left me to die.  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback 10 years ago~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Izuku POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I groaned as I struggled to get up from the daily beating I'd just gotten from my former best and childhood Kachan better known as Katsuki Bakugou. As usual he wasn't alone in giving me this beating, honestly the pain from the burns his quirk: Explosion would go away. What really hurt the words from Izumi Yagi, my twin sister

Izumi: " You can't become a hero without a quirk, you useless Deku. Why are you even trying? you will never be anything more than a quirkless waste of space."

I finally was able to sit up, with pain shooting up all over my body from the burns. When suddenly my head was yanked up by my hair, I found a set of red eyes locked with my own

Bakugou: "Hey Deku....." he said with a sneer "Want to know how to get a quirk?"  I nodded yes in reply. He smirked as if he was waiting for that exact answer, which in hindsight, he expected. " Its easy Deku..... take a swan dive off a roof and hope for one in your next life." Letting go of my hair, he kicked my chest forcing me back into the ground. Laughing as he and Izumi walked away, I laid there wondering why my life was hell.

Izuku: (' Its not my fault that i'm quirkless, why do I need a quirk to be a hero?! Why do I need a quirk to be loved by my family?!') I teared up, thinking about how when I finally get home. Neither my father Toshinori Yagi, or my mother Inko Yagi would even spare me a second glance, if they even see me that is. 

Things had been this way since they discovered Izumi had a strong telekinesis quirk, while I was quirkless. ' Adversity builds character, character builds morals, those with morals are just, those who have justice in their hearts make the greatest of heros'.

 Those words suddenly popped up in my mind, I remember reading them in a pre-quirk era book. I didnt understand most of the book, but for some reason those words stuck with me. They gave me hope, they let me believe that all the pain I was going through would someday make me a great hero like ALL MIGHT who saves everyone with a smile.

????: "Izuku Yagi?" A voice called out to me from behind

Izuku: "Yes, t-thats- m-me" I replied without thinking. Then without warning everything faded into darkness.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Timeskip to nightfall~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I awoke to a sharp pain to the face, I first I assumed it to be kachan or izumi back to hurt me some more. However as I opened my eyes I noticed I wasn't at the playground where they'd left me. I was in some dark, dirty room that smelled of dust and....... copper? 

No it was a smell I knew all to well. Blood........old dried blood and a massive amount of it. The odor was so overpowering, it made my skin crawl. I for the first time in my short life I had felt the cold embrace of true primal fear.

???:" Ah, young yagi, forgive me for striking you however my time is short and we mustn't be late for our show." I tried to scream, but couldn't make a sound. It was only then I realized I was gagged and bound to a chair with something covering my face.

  "It seems our final guest has arrived, let us begin the show." The shadowy form that I assumed was the one who had taken me. Raised his arm and motioned towards a screen. Upon seeing my eyes widened, and was given hope. For there on the screen was ALL MIGHT! The number 1 hero but.... something seemed different, something felt wrong. ALL MIGHT wasn't smiling

ALL-MIGHT:" All for One.... you're still alive after all." I could feel the pure rage all-might had towards the man he called All for One

AFO:" Come now, All-might or should say toshinori yagi?" My heart, stopped for a second before kicking into overdrive. Once I realized my dad was the ALL-MIGHT! The same ALL-MIGHT who saves everyone.


AFO: "Let me answer your question with a choice." AFO raised his hand and pointed at me " You have a choice to make All-Might, who do you save? Your daughter and successor to One for All, Izumi yagi? 

Or do you give up your successor and with her lose the chance of defeating me, in order to save this poor quirkless boy, who has been beaten everyday by his sister and her friends, unloved and forgotten by his parents. This pure boy despite how his family treats him, still loves them very much."


AFO:" An expected answer, however you're running out of time Toshinori. I have poisoned the girl. She has roughly half an hour left, as for the boy I can kill him anytime I wish."  I see dad's eyes get covered by shadows. ' He wouldn't make a choice! He's ALL-MIGHT and saves everyone!' but what I heard next broke me

ALL-MIGHT:"...............Izumi......" his voice barely a whisper, was as loud and clear to me as the sound of shattering glass

AFO: "Hmm.....as the symbol of hope, and a former quirkless I thought you'd choose the boy. Oh well, either way I've won this round. You can have your successor back, thanks to you i'm sure you've just created a real monster of a successor for me." 

AFO walked over to me lifted my head and removed cover off my face and the gag from my mouth. suddenly a light shined from above revealing my face to All-might.

AFO:" Any last words to say to your father?"

ALL-MIGHT:" I-I-Izuku?!" I looked up at man who once was my Idol and my father who I once loved and respected. I mustered what little strength I had left from the shock of it all. I Locked eyes with him through the screen.

Izuku:".....................why didn't you save me........dad...."

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