Mission 38: Time off and New life

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I took a deep breath, and pulled out a spare phone from the stockpile I kept in dad's office and made a call. Before the phone could ring a second time, it was immediately picked up

Momo:" Zuzu?!"

"Yes, Momo dear its me."

Momo:" You idiot! Do you know how worried we were?! How worried I was?! Why do you keep putting yourself in danger like this?!"

"I'm sorry Momo it had to be done, I couldn't miss a chance at getting Tomura." I said trying to defend my actions

Momo:" Was getting captured part of the plan?!" She shouted 

"..................It wasn't." I whispered into the phone, ashamed that I was caught off guard. Even if it was because of a past trauma.

Momo:" Then how did they manage to capture you?! Were they really that strong?!" She asked now with a more worried tone rather than a angry one

"........I was caught off guard by my past." I said weakly not wanting to talk about this over the phone. Momo seemed to sense my change and her tone softened 

Momo:"Zuzu? What happened?"

"Momo......... do you remember what I told you about my last month of captivity?" I began " I was caught off guard, because........ she was there, it brought back all the memories and I froze. Thats when I was taken, I got caught off guard."

"Thats not all........ Toga, the girl, came to me while I was chained to a wall to let me go. She had a condition for freeing me.....She wanted me to take her daughter with me...... Momo.. her daughter.... is my daughter.... I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry!"


I could practicality hear Izuku's heart breaking through his voice. I was stunned, shocked and my heart sank hearing him like this. He was blaming himself for having a child with another woman, even though it wasn't his fault. He was afraid that I would leave him, abandon him like his family did.

Knowing how kind he really is despite his usual antics, there was no way he'd abandon a child much less his own daughter. I love that part of him, even though it causes problems from time to time. I had to be careful with my words, right now Izuku's heart was fragile as glass.

"Zuzu..... Whats her name?" I asked him softly as if trying to coax small animal

Izuku:"........Eri..... her name is Eri..... shes a beautiful little girl."

"When can I meet our daughter?" I asked him, I fully intended to love this girl as my own. After all none of this was her fault. 

Izuku:"..........Tomorrow, when I come back to UA. I have to make some arrangements first before heading back..... Thats not all Momo....... Toga... is joining Parabellum. Sorry, I didn't expect this either... but I didn't want to separate Eri from her mother... Toga really loves and cares for her. She risked her own life to free me to save Eri at least..."

"Its ok Izuku... relax, breathe.... I'm not going to leave you. You are mine and I am yours, nothing will ever change that. As for this Toga girl, so long as she doesn't do anything shady she'll be fine. I trust you, I know there is nothing she can do to hurt you now." I said reassuring him

Izuku:"......Thank you Momo, I have to go now. I.... we'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll see you both tomorrow Zuzu, I love you and stay safe." I said as we ended the call. Now then I have to steel my nerves, and get ready to meet my new daughter tomorrow.


As I got off the phone with Momo, I stopped to consider what I was going to do next. I was at a loss, what was my life coming to? I was a super soldier belonging to a secret para-military organization, who was assigned to watch over heros-in-training. While being engaged to the sole heir of the wealthiest family in japan, and now I discovered I have a daughter whose mother was my rapist.

I was understandably overwhelmed at the moment, I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Dad.

Hisashi:" You doing ok son?" he asked me full of concern

"Not really, its just......... too much right now. I have no idea what to do."

Dad takes a second to think, he scratches his cheek and sighs

Hisashi:" I guess you have been overworked lately, and you just had some mind blowing news given to you. Its summer and the rest of the training camp is cancelled, so you and alpha take two weeks leave. Take some time to rest and go spend time with Momo and get to know your daughter. Don't worry about dealing with Toga, she'll be staying here. So go on son, take a break you deserve it."

I was abit surprised by him giving me and my team leave, but after thinking about it, I decided it made sense. I didn't really have any real downtime since we started this mission. Plus, I was definitely alot more stressed than I would be normally. Since I had to deal with my old family, and it was non-stop with problems since then.

I guess I really do need a break. I got tired and went off into a spare room and laid down to go to sleep, I had alot to do the following day.


I woke up early the next day, and after a quick shower I went over to my room to check up on Eri. As soon as I walked in I was tackled by Eri, she hugged me tight. I looked down at her slightly confused by her action.

Eri:" Papa! You really are here! It wasn't a dream!" she said as her eyes were starting to tear up. She was obviously afraid that if she let go I'd disappear. I started to pet her head and spoke to her in a calm and soothing voice

"Yes my little snowflake, it wasn't a dream and I'm really here." I take a second and look around realizing that she was alone in the room. "Eri.... where is your Mama?" I asked 

Eri:" Granpa Hisashi came by earlier and took Mama saying she had training to do. Granpa said it might be a long time before I saw Mama again, cause she had alot to make up for."

"And you were ok with just being left behind like that?" I asked her shocked at just how well she was taking being separated from her mother

Eri:" Yeah, I am sad because I won't get to see Mama for awhile, but I'm used to it. The bad man didn't let Mama visit me much.... But its ok now because I have you now and Granpa said I was going to live with you and Momo."

I froze when she said that, I hadn't considered what Eri would feel about Momo. Momo had pretty much accepted Eri, but would Eri accept Momo?

"Eri..... Are you ok with meeting Momo?" I asked timidly

Eri:" What do you mean Papa? Isn't Mama Momo living with us too?" she asked tilting her head in slight confusion

"Well..... yes but why are you calling her mama? I mean I'm happy that you want to meet her but I'm a little confused."

Eri:" Well, Mama told me last night that I have another Mama called Momo who lives with you, and I was happy to have more family......... Is that not ok?" she said as she looked down at her feet, her voice growing sad

"Of course it is snowflake! We're very happy to have you in the family! Momo is going to love having you stay with us! In fact, I came to pick you up. We are heading home, and to our family."

A/N: Sorry I didn't update yesterday cause I got pretty drunk and had a great night out. As always thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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