Mission 6: He is Arclight and First Day of UA

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~~~~~~~~~All-Might POV~~~~~~~~

I stood there frozen in shock, not understanding what I just seen. My son, who had been missing for the last 10 years was here at UA. My missing son, who was quirkless had a quirk and a strong one at that. Using his quirk, he destroyed  the zero pointer saving two people, one of which was Izumi. Then just as suddenly as he appeared, he was gone in a literal flash.

The flash restarted my brain I turned towards the door getting ready to dash out in order to find Izuku. I was stopped by a tugging on my costume, I turned to face Nezu who was shaking his head.

Nezu:" No All-Might, let him go. Come with me to my office we need to talk." I tried to protest, but before I could speak " I said come with me." Nezu spoke in an unnaturally cold tone I'd never heard him use before.

I followed Nezu into his office, once we both took a seat he started

Nezu:" I know you must be confused right now and full of emotions.  If you try to talk to him right now though, he might kill you. He isn't the kid you knew anymore."

All-Might:" He is my son sir! I need to see him! I need to take him home!" Nezu sighed clearly getting frustrated

Nezu:" Toshinori Yagi listen to me, he is Arclight." I froze, as the meaning of his words sunk in

All-Might:" .........you mean he has..... but why?....... how long has he been with them? How did he end up with them? You said he might kill me, why would he? I'm his father....." I just didn't understand what was going on anymore.

Nezu:"I'll tell you what I know Toshinori, but you're not going to like any of it. He was rescued 8 years ago, during a raid on a villain hideout. He..... wasn't in the best condition, left eye missing, multiple broken bones, burns, cuts and parts of his arms had been flayed."

"During his recovery, a medical check up was done. They found he had been misdiagnosed as a quirkless. It was dormant, they believed the stress from his ordeal activated his quirk. 

When they learned who he was they tried to convince him to return. He refused saying that Izuku Yagi died 2 years ago, and asked to join."

"He spent a year training with Commander Hisashi Midoriya, who took a liking to him and adopted him. During his first couple of missions he was...... brutal. 

Fearing he might go rogue, Hisashi asked me to study the boy. I spoke with him and learned of his true nature, how his will never broke despite what happened is nothing short of a miracle."

" I'll be honest with you Toshinori, you fucked up big time. Izuku has so much hatred towards you, I'm not sure he won't try to kill you. I understand why he feels that way."

"A young child, wanting nothing more than to become a hero, is ignored by his parents for something outside his control. His sister and childhood friends beat him daily, and to top it all off was the day he was taken."

"A scared, lonely child sees his idol All-Might, and learns that he is his father. He learned that his father was once like him, but the final nail in the coffin was when his father All-Might chose his sister over him again."

I couldn't believe what Izuku had gone though, and worse I understood why he hated me. Even though it was hopeless, even though I knew what I had done could never be forgiven. I had to try, even if it meant risking my life to earn his forgiveness and bring him home.

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