Mission 36: Eri and Second chances

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I locked eyes with the small girl in front of me. I looked into her bright red eyes, full of innocence, wonder, and longing. She had a small brown horn on the right side of her head and off-white hair that made it down to her waist.

She seemed well-fed but a bit on the thin side, the more I looked at her to more I felt something tugging at my heartstrings. ('I have a child..... this is my child.... My daughter.') I somehow could just tell that Toga wasn't lying. Every fiber of my being was screaming that this was my daughter.

Eri:".........Papa?" she asked again her voice growing uncertain and uneasy. She lowered her head as if she was afraid. It hurt me to see her looking like that.

"Yes.... Eri? I'm your papa...I'm happy to finally meet you." I said to her, obviously lying as I never knew she existed until a few minutes ago. I couldn't tell her that obviously, I could tell from her body language she was nervous and maybe even afraid.

As I said this she shyly looked up towards me and I gave her a soft smile. She brightened up and gave me a heart-melting smile in return.

 She brightened up and gave me a heart-melting smile in return

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A/N: I don't own this image^

She bounded forward and wrapped her small arms around my waist and hugged me as tight as she could. I looked down at her, she was slightly younger than I was when I was taken. I saw an image of myself as a kid overlap with her.

This was the moment I wanted all those years ago. This is the feeling I wanted from Toshinori, to realize I was actually loved by my dad. I could only imagine how rough her upbringing was. I could guess she grew up hearing stories about me. Her papa who she'd never met and now was suddenly in front of her.

She must have been afraid she'd be rejected, seeing as I was never there for her. It hurt me, as I realized I had technically neglected her. I know it wasn't my fault, but I still couldn't help be feel guilty. Looking back up at Toga, I mouthed for her to keep quiet.

I pulled on the chains with just enough strength to break free of the wall. Eri looked up at the sudden sound only to be pulled into my embrace as I hugged my daughter for the first time. I lifted her up in my arms, and looked her straight in the eyes.

"I'm your papa Eri." I stated, giving her the brightest smile I could.

Eri's eyes widened and tears started to flow as she wrapped her arms around my neck. She hugged me tight, burying her face into my neck softly sobbing.

Eri:" Papa...I'm so *sniff* so happy.... to meet you... I thought... you hated... mama and me... and left us with.... the bad man.." my heart broke at my little girls words. Toga aside I couldn't hate this angel. I whispered into her ear

"No Eri..... I wouldn't leave you for no reason. I came here to take you with me."

Eri:" What about mama? Is Mama coming too?" I look at my sweet innocent daughter, and then to my crazy tormentor. 

I found it hard to believe that she could produce something so pure, but my daughters plea combined with Toga's desire to get Eri out of here, even if it meant her staying behind. Made me want to believe that maybe she could be changed.

Maybe she had changed, for now I decided to get them both out. For Eri's sake if nothing else, I'd set aside my personal issues with Toga.

"Yes Eri.....To-Himiko is coming with us." I waved Toga closer. Toga smiled wide and I shuttered at that smile. I still haven't forgiven her, but I'm not going to show that in front of our daughter. Once Toga got close, I whispered in her ear.

"Toga.... this doesn't change anything between us. However.... I'll give you a chance to change, or to prove to me you have changed. We're escaping, I had plans to already but I was going to wait. I needed Intel on Tomura and AFO, but Eri's safety is more important."

Toga:" Sure thing Izu-baby. So long as Eri's safe I don't care about what happens to me. But, I can help you out. I know abit about Shiggy's plans and a few safe houses they have."

"Alright then Toga, I'll trust you for now. How long have I been here?"

Toga:" About a day and a half, Izu-baby if we're going to escape we should go now. Shiggy had a meeting with a Yakuza and everybody except me is gone."

"Alright then lets get going." 


For the second time in my life, I abused my families power. I called my father and told him about Izuku being taken. Kaminari wouldn't tell us anything after we got back to UA. He'd gone and talked to Principal Nezu and I assumed contacted Parabellum.

Kaminari had a dark expression on his face once he came back to the dorms. We all mobbed him as soon as he walked through the doors. He said he couldn't tell us anything, and to please stop asking. He promised it'd all be resolved soon, that wasn't good enough for me. I needed to know what the plan to rescue Izuku was.

I was pacing back and forth in my room, with Izumi sitting there on the bean bag chair. She was a nervous wreck, much like myself since Izuku was taken. We both decided it wasn't a good idea to be alone right now. So she was staying in my room with me.

Suddenly my phone rang, startling both myself and Izumi. I pulled it out and looked at the unknown number. Thinking it might be Izuku I answered putting the call on speaker.

Hisashi:" Sorry Momo, I was dealing with some other issues going on. I was going to call you, sorry you had to pull your dad into this. This is Hisashi Midoriya, your father-in-law. So i'm guessing you want to know about Izuku?"

"Yes........father." I blushed abit as I said it " I want to know, what your plans are to save Izuku? And is there anything I can do to help?"

Hisashi:" Thanks for your offer but there is no need. There is no plan or mission to rescue Izuku."

I was stunned, I felt a rage I'd never felt before building in me

"What is the meaning of this Commander Midoriya? What do you mean your aren't planning on rescuing my husband?" I said, silently planning to remove him from his position as a commander.

Hisashi:" Calm down, you really do love my son don't you?" He said with a laugh "There is no plan to rescue him, because he has already escaped. He escaped an hour ago and contacted HQ. I've sent people to pick him up, he has to come to HQ first and debrief. He'll be back in a day or two. I was going to have him call you once he got here safe."

I sighed in relief, knowing he was safe

"Sorry for raising my voice at you father...."

Hisashi:" Its ok momo, I have to go now, I have things to do goodbye we'll talk another day." With that he ended the call

Izumi:" So glad Oni-chan's ok!"

"I am too, Izumi." I said ('I can't shake the feeling like there is more to it though.')

A/N: Alright folks! Just a heads up this is where I start moving away from cannon events and change timelines. Didn't want to confuse anyone so just a heads up. As always thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!

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