XVI. Desperate Virgin

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Hailey's POV:

"Josh, get your fat leg off of me," I grumble, throwing his leg to the side as the alarm echoes throughout the room.

Sliding across the annoyingly full screen, I flop back into bed, wishing I can rewind time. Right now, if I close my eyes tightly enough, I can hear the sounds of other students' alarm clock along with their irritating grumbles.

Steadily, footsteps echoes outside the room filled with angry teenagers. I threw an arm across the bed, whacking it into Josh's face. "Ow," his voice sounds dull, unamused by my futile attempt to wake him up. He threw my arm back. "Five more minutes," he grumbles, pushing the covers farther up his face.

Grabbing a handful of sheets, I roll it around myself, exposing him to the world. "Why?" Josh whined. He grabbed the blanket and twirled it back on top of his body.

I sat up with my eyes still firmly shut and grabbed the blanket, but he refused to release it. "This is why I want my own bed!" I shout, then flop back down, refusing to work any further. I rather die in the cold than do a tug of war with a soccer player this early in the morning.

He turns his body, still with the blanket wrap around him. He took a few blinks then a walrus-like yawn escaped his full mouth. Even the walrus yawn sounds appealing. "My blanket," he grumbles, then shut his eyes.

I tilt my head towards him with an extremely dissatisfying scowl on my face. Scooting closer, I bent a leg and kicked Josh multiple times until he fell off the bed. "Ow," his voice is still monotone, refusing to detach from the blanket.

Taking a step off the bed, I head towards the bathroom, not missing my single footstep on top of Josh's stomach. "You women are grumpy in the morning," he grumbles, curling himself into a ball. "Save me some hot water!" he yells, realizing I'm heading into the bathroom.

Once inside, I prepare for the day with the start of a scorching hot shower. The first day of high school - the day I established my reputation for the rest of the school year. Inhaling and exhaling some deep breaths, I got out of the shower and began drying myself. My eyes pin towards our matching bathrobes - Miss Grumpy and Mister Always Grumpy - with a cute sleepy monster lying in the background.

I smiled, grabbing a bathroom and flung it over my body. Josh entered the bathroom and began stripping. I cover my eyes as he drags his legs toward the shower. Soon, water crashed down the tiles, but I didn't hear any other movement.

"Josh...Are you sleeping?"

More silence.

"No... I'm just resting my eyes," he mumbles, then yawns.

I shake my head and grab the toothbrush - scraping some toothpaste on it while fighting the urge to sneak a peek.

The water stops running, and the glass door slides open. A thick layer of fog spread the room. "You think this is funny?" he said, and I turned around.

Instantly, I snort, unable to hold back a laugh as the toothpaste erupts towards my nose. I held my nose, trying to blow out the tingly discomforting sensation. Josh stands there with the waistband barely holding the bathrobe that's meant for me. The edge barely stuck past his thighs, and if he bent over, I'm pretty sure he would moon me.

He stands there eyes, his eyes still shut, as he scratches his stomach. "I swear if I wasn't so sleepy. I would get my revenge." He walks towards me and throws out a hand. "Toothbrush."

I gaze over at him, unable to fathom what's lurking inside his morning mind as I slide the toothpaste across his toothbrush, printed with the name Joshua across it - similar to mine.

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