XIII. Complete Softie

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Hailey's POV:

When I felt a buzz, I stopped walking and looked down at my phone. Josh did the same thing.

Unknown: I hope you didn't forget.

- Auggie

Josh and I look at each other. We forgot.

One of the goals for WAFFLES would be to get a guardian to hand over their most precious items.

I exhaled heavily. I don't even know what my parents' precious items are. I fail as a daughter.

We continued to stroll through the area, "You seem calm."

I could hear people laughing to my right and a foreign language to my left. I wish I could learn a foreign language, but I'm barely passing English. I'm also a failure as a student.

The longer I thought about my failures, the more depressed I got.

My stomach doesn't feel good.

He shrugged, "It's not a big deal."

"Josh," I said in a serious tone. "For you, ten grand is not a big deal. For me, it's a huge deal."

He raised a brow, "You really want that prize-winning money."

I nod, "Desperately." I'm not greedy, but I wouldn't turn down money.

"Well, then you better work harder." He grabbed his necklace and pulled out a ring. "Here's the precious item from my side. Where's yours?"


"This ring has been passed down from the Greyson's family for generations. My great grandfather gave it to my grandmother, who gave it to my dad, then mom, and now me."

That is a precious item. "Did you skip a generation?"

"My grandpa's generation wasn't necessarily a trustworthy generation." He tucked the ring back inside his shirt, "Long story short. My dad doesn't like seeing his side of the family."

That would explain why they would always go to his mom's side of the family instead—bad blood.

"Aw." The realization occurred. "I'm holding us back!"

He messed up my hair, "As long as you're aware." Josh looks forward, "Oh. There's everyone else. Let's go."

Our family was at two of the benches: one adult table and a children's table. The days passed by the same as every other day. Josh and I would hang out with our families. We would meet some students we're familiar with - short families interaction.

Josh would get dragged away from the children.

I would awkwardly make a conversation with Juliette while Crystal ignored her.

There's a few moments of uncomfortable silence between Mr.Martinez and Crystal.

Mrs.Martinez would often gag and vomit.

I caught Taniyah and introduced her to my family. Unplanned, I met Taniyah's mom, Ailee Sosa, and Mr.Timberland. Mrs.Sosa isn't as old I imagine her to be, considering how Josh said she was in her early thirties. Then again, how should people in their early thirties look like? And is Mrs.Sosa even in her early thirties?

"So," I said to Taniyah. "Your mom and Mr.Timberland are dating?" I tried to sound as surprised as possible.

She exhaled, "Yeah."


"If you call getting picked on during class all the time fun. Then, yes. Loads." She knew that Mr.Timberland purposely picked on her. "What a prick. Can't date someone his own age."

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