XLII. Drag Away

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Hailey's POV:

"Well, what's success without a little failure? Am I right, spaghetti?" Crystal nods vigorously to herself. "Since we fail today. Let's meet again tomorrow for success." She quickly packs up her stuff and dashes for the door.

"Well-" Taniyah closes her laptop, "I'm out." She left.

I look at Ricardo. "Bye," he said and left.

At least, he is nice today. Usually, he wouldn't even say anything when he leaves. That nap must have put him in a good mood.

I play my fingers on the empty sheet of paper, "Well...You're still here, Hailey. You can do it. You don't want to fail and not go on the trip with Josh."

I got nothing.

I drag my failure self back to the dormitory.

"Hi, Hailey!" Austin chirps.


"How is the project for Mr.Timberland's class?" I told Austin about the class project before. I hope he will give me some pointers on how to make a company. He said he only played a minor role in creating the company. Business is not his forte.


I drag my legs towards the elevator.

It dings, but it wasn't my floor.

"Hey, Hailey!" It sounds like Ahmend. "A few other people and I are going to the pool. You in?" I can hear feet shuffling around me.


"What's wrong with her?" A girl whispered.

"Mr.Timberland's company project."

Various of: "Ooooh," surrounds me.

The elevator dings, and I drag my legs out.

"Well, if you and Josh change your minds. We'll be on the roof!"


I stop in front of the door, feeling an ominous sensation. I snapped my head around to see no one. Steadily, I unlock the door, and it creaks open. It's dark. I took one step after another while reaching for the light.


I scream, slamming my body against the wall. All the content in my back fell out. "What the dragon nut?! What are you doing?!"

The lights turned on, revealing an annoying face. "Did you see your face?!" he shouted, pointing a finger at me. "You were like-" he stops talking, then squishes his head back, widening his eyes and mouth, attempting to imitate me.

I was unamused and itchy to punch his face.

When we are in public, Josh always catches many people's eyes. They would always think he is cool, intelligent, mature, or intimidating. But, when we are in private, he would behave like this.

Josh was rolling on the floor, snorting like a pig uncontrollably while his shirt tucked on top of his head.

"Why?" I whispered.

Josh's laughter finally died down, and he rested all four limbs on the carpet. His hair swayed across his ocean blues, and he smiles. My heart thumped when his dimple came into view. "Because it's funny," he would say.

I grab all my stuff and step on his stomach.

He grunted, rolling himself into the fetal position, "No sense of humor today, I see."

I placed all the stuff on the desk and sat down on the rolling chair. Josh came over and massaged my shoulders, "There. There. Relax. I got you."

I smile, "My feet ache too."

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