XXVIII. I Don't Blow

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Hailey's POV:

What? "What?" everyone said what I was thinking.

She grinned and sat down, resting her chin on top of her palm. "Don't go to the Golden Party with Hailey. Be my partner," she placed a delicate finger on herself.

My mouth gaped open. "No! I asked her first!"

She scoffed, "She didn't say yes to you." Crystal flipped her hair. "Look, nearly 99% of the people here annoy the fuck out of me. So, I don't want to bring anyone, but they kept bothering me about the plus one."

"And how is that relevant to me?"

"With this party, your status can climb."

Taniyah pointed at me. "If I want to rise in status, I would have agreed to the goldie locks invitation," she said, and I looked at my blonde hair.

"You don't want to be relevant?"

"If I want to become relevant, I would've befriended her," she pointed at me again.

"Why her?"

Taniyah scoffed, "She's easier to manipulate."

I frowned, "Am not."

She looks and grins, "Sure, you aren't."

Crystal stood up and dramatically gasped. "Are you rejecting me?"

Taniyah opens her laptop. "Yes."

"And me?" I asked.

She sighed, "Yes."

"Why?" I continued questioning.

"Simple. You're both not my type." Type? What does she mean by that?

"You know what? You're missing out! We are both a catch!" Crystal held my hand and dragged us out.

That day, I didn't know that we earned a whole new reputation with Crystal's words.

Lunchtime rolled around, and we sat at the usual table where we threatened other kids to take over. Madison burst out laughing, covering her mouth when Crystal tells her about Taniyah.

"She rejected both of you?" Madison waved a hand over her face. "Oh, how I wished I was present."

I sighed while Josh rubbed my back. "I got rejected," I mumbled, resting my head on his shoulder.

One of the double doors burst open, showing Taniyah. "There she is," Crystal hissed.

Ahmend grinned, "She's hot."

"Should we ask her to sit with us?" I asked. Taniyah grabbed her lunch, sat down at an empty table, and then plugged in her headphones.

"No," Crystal responds immediately.

"Why not?"

"According to the TV dramas mom has been shoving down my throat, there is an order we have to follow. Particularly, after she rejected all of us."

Madison twirled her hair, "She rejected you two. I don't do rejections."

Crystal waved her hand, dismissing Madison's comment.

"An order?" I asked.

"Yes," She took out a piece of paper and began drawing stick figures. "Since we are considered the popular students at Pandora Academy. First, we have to bully her." She pointed her pencil at the stick figure surrounded by other stick figures, and I can't tell who is whom.

"This is me, shoving her down at the lockers." She circled herself, then pointed over at the scribble beside the figure. "This is you, knocking over her books while she is down," I narrowed my eyes, wondering why she gave me a mustache. "Around us are other kids who happened to pass by and was bored."

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