XIX. Blood, Bruised, and Passed Out

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Hailey's POV:

We arrive to a fast food joint.

The building was splashed with bright painted colors, and before I stepped inside, I knew it was a retro theme location.

Alina opened the door, and the scent of pizza, burgers and fries washed my senses.

My instinct tells me to run.

"Hailey?" Leslie calls for me. "Coming in?"

I forced a smile, "Y-Yeah."

Into the building, I could see a wave of people at their own booths or tables. Further into the buildings are a bowling alley and roller skating. This is definitely a teenage hangout.

The employee asked us various questions such as: "How many people?" "Who is bowling?" and "Which ones would be roller skating?"

Pay first.

Play later.

Then, she escorted us to the booth and gave us menus.

I swallow firmly before I open the menu. It's filled with everything I've been trying to avoid.

When I'm with Josh, it's easier to avoid this type of situation.

I can always ask to split with him.

Can I split with them?

Crystal usually eats everything and some more.

Then, when they're not looking, I lose all the weight.

And everything feels okay again.

But there are too many eyes where I'm at.

Maybe, this is a mistake.

One by one, they ordered their meals with the unspoken promise to share. It's a nice feeling. To be with friends and share food. But, my anxiety won't allow me to relax - to forget my insecurities.

They all look at me.

I smile, "I'll get a cheeseburger and medium fries."

"Well, if you're going to get fries too, we might as well go with the extra large and split," Alina said.

"You should try the smoothies here." Olivia showed me the different types on the menus. "Strawberries are to die for."

"I'll try that too." I'm afraid. Not of them, but of rejection - exclusion.

After we ordered, the volume of the voices escalated.

We laughed.

We teased.

We bickered.

Then, we laughed again.

My eyes followed the meals bought out. Each tray that passed us, I exhaled softly.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

I didn't have to use it.

I just needed a break.

When the door locked, I fell to my knees and vomited all the food in my stomach. I'll do it now.

When I finished, I wiped myself clean and splashed the water on my face.

I know this isn't the answer.

My hands curled into the smooth sink.

And I know I should stop.

I untied my hair and then re-tied it. After several deep breaths, I made my way back to the booths.

I noticed how there were some familiar faces inside the buildings. My memories didn't serve me wrong because some of them are still in their uniforms. It must be a typical hangout for Pandora students.

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