XX. Crazy in Love

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Hailey's POV:

Breaking a girl's nose wasn't on my high school experience list of to-do.

"I can't believe it!" Crystal shouted. "You broke her nose! You actually did it!" She punches the air several times.

Right now, Crystal and I are in her dorm room.

I got suspended.

Crystal did too.

Crystal got suspended for tipping over a teacher's coffee when the teacher dared her to do it.

She got one day of suspension to think about her actions.

I got three days worth of suspension and an apology letter. Mr.Davenson concluded that spreading false rumors is not equivalent to breaking someone's nose.

"She wouldn't take back what she said," I grumbled.

"If she said those words to me, she would get more than a broken nose." I'm sure Crystal would break an arm or leg to match it.

I fall onto Crystal's bed, "Why are people mean?"

"I don't know." She picked at her nails, "Jealousy? Greed? It could be anything really." She grabbed a nail filer.

"How do you deal with this?" I ask.

"With what?"




"When you beat the crap out of them, the others will back away." She puts her palm in the air to check whether or not the nails are even. "If you let them continue to put you down, you'll be picked on for the rest of your life. And no offense HayHay, you're an easy target."

I turn my body towards the window. The wind gushed in, and the pink curtains flowed.

"Look," she said. "You know me. I'm blunt."

I didn't intervene because it's the truth.

"If you're going to stay with my cousin HayHay, you gotta step it up. Give that bad bitch energy. They push you? Push them back." She got up and went to her closet, "Trust me when I say, people will back off after what happened with the broken nose girl."

Crystal's phone rings and she answers it. "Yellow."

I watch as she hums and grunts at whoever is on the other side.

"But, I don't wanna watch that movie," she says.

She grabbed a bucket of nail polishes and threw it on her desk. "Black or pink?"

Is she asking me?

"What do you mean I'm not making any sense right now?"

Not me.

"Black or pink?"

"Why would you choose black? You know I like pink, you dink!"

Who is she talking to?

"What do you mean why would I ask if I already decided?"

It sounds like the other person makes a good point.

"Well, lie!"

I exhale softly before resting my head on the bed and staring out the window.

I should reevaluate my life.

"I'm not wearing black!"

Maybe, I should see a therapist.

"Well, now I don't wanna wear pink."

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