XIV. Sup Cuz

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Hailey's POV:




"Wait...roommate?" I ask.

He smiled and grabbed the towel to dry the rest of his hair. "Yup."

I took a step forward. "Us?" I point at him than myself.

He unzips the suitcase in the corner of the room. The perfectly folded clothes made their appearance. "Yup."


He grabs a boxer. "Yup."

I point to fingers to the floor. "In this room?"

He stood up and dropped the towel. "Yup."

"Josh!" I scream and turn around. I closed my eyes when I saw his very toned...cheeks.

Puberty did Joshua Greyson a lot of justice. For ordinary people, puberty tickles our head with a feather. For a Greyson, puberty threw a rock and said, be a beautiful bitch.

It also helps that Josh does years of intense soccer and karate.

"Why are you acting so shy now? You saw my no-no before," he teases me.

My cheeks heat up. "Yes! When I was like five!"

He laughs, "Remember when you poked it and was like - I want that too!" his tone increases into a higher pitch.

When Josh and I were younger, we often bathed together. I don't remember when we stopped bathing together. We just kind of did.

After our first meeting, where he completely hated me, we became attached by the waists.

Yes, from what I heard, Josh hated me.

Long story short, Josh punched my face.

It wasn't pretty. I meant my bloody nose. Joshua Greyson gave me a bloody nose during our first meeting because I hogged all of his mom's attention.

What a mama's boy.

"Yes, and I also remember how you almost gave me a concussion," I state.

"A bloody nose! I gave you one bloody nose over ten years ago! Why are we even talking about this?"

I groan, "I don't know? Maybe because you punched a three-year-old?"

He walks in front of me, fully dressed, to my disappointment. "I was five!"

I sat on the bed and pouted, "It still hurts-" I place a hand over my chest. "here."

Josh settled beside me, "Want me to kiss it and make it all better?"

I punch his arm, "You pervert." I flop down on the bed. "Is this some sort of joke? Us being roommates?"

He drops down beside me, "Nope, we're roomies."

"Shouldn't my roommate be a girl?"

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