VII. Field Mate

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Hailey's POV:

"It is not the same." How dare he compare those two situations. "Did anyone get hurt when I lied? When I decided not to intervene between whatever it is between Crystal and you. Is either of you hurt? No. You're not hurt. So, it's not the same!"

The longer I looked at Ricardo's calm features, the angrier I got.

"You talk to me as if I'm a scared child who will back down all because of a threat. But, I'm telling you right now not to push my buttons, Ricardo Winston!" I don't know what's coming out of my mouth, but the words flowed out almost effortlessly as if it was natural.

"Or else?"

"If I'm going down, I'm not going down alone."

Ricardo knows my secret, but I also know a few things about him.

Steadily, Ricardo's lips tugged into a cunning smile. "So you can do more than just cry."

My hands curled into fists.

Ricardo inched towards me, "First that Jasmine girl and now me. Who are you going to hit next?"


"Come, Vaughn. Where's the fire in your eyes from earlier?" He stepped closer, "Where's the fire from your birthday party?"


Ricardo chuckled, "And I must say, I like this side of you alot more." He took another step until his shoulders parallel mine, "I know the answer, but I'm going to ask it anyway. From where you were standing, you knew Greyson was coming...didn't you?"

My heart froze at that moment. I tried to push down the anxiety, but it only escalated.

"That's why you pushed that Jasmine girl further, and when she didn't react like how you fell." His voice seems to only get deeper and more threatening by the second, "You fell...on purpose."

"I...I don't know what you're talking about." My hands are shaking. I know it.

"Come on, Vaughn. It's just us. You don't have to hide. She only pushed you a bit, but you had to dramatically fall on the ground seconds before Greyson arrived, didn't you?"

Finally, when our eyes met, Ricardo smirked.

"I saw the text message you sent to Crystal to meet you in the library. She has you underneath Spaghetti."

"Good girl," he said before he left the room.

When the door closed, I dropped to the ground. My legs feel like jello, soft and breakable.

Ricardo isn't lying.

The night of my birthday party, when Jasmine and I were on the balcony, I purposely provoked her. She only stepped out of the building for a breather, but I didn't give her the space. I went there and bragged about my relationship with Josh.


Most likely insecurity.

I wanted her to stay away from Josh.

To tell her that Josh belongs to me.

How stupid.

And when I didn't get the response I wanted, I provoked her even further.

How idiotic.

Jasmine barely pokes me, but I fell anyway.


I know why.

Because of Josh.

I saw him coming from the distance, and I played the victim card.

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