XXXV. Relations to the Italian Mafia

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Hailey's POV:

"What are you doing?" I mouthed, eyes skimming towards the bunk beds. Mr.Davenson informed us that each of us should be sleeping on our own individual beds.

Josh slid to my left side and began wrapping his arms around my waist. He turns me to the side and whispers, "I'm upset. Cuddle me."

I sigh, knowing if I push any further, Ricardo will wake up.

"I'll leave early for soccer," he mumbled, pulling my back further towards his chest.

I pat the hand on my stomach, quietly telling him, "Fine."

When the sun beamed into my eyes, I turned my body to no longer see Josh's presence. Releasing a yawn, I stretched my arms and back but halted when I saw Ricardo sitting across from me. Ricardo sat at his desk chair, pulling on his socks. My eyes refused to blink as he tugged on a classy pair of black shoes. He rushes his fingers through his damp hair, indicating that he showers early. There wasn't a tie around his neck, preferably an exposure of the chest with the top two buttons still unbutton.

Ricardo looked up and continued tying his laces. Pushing back the sleeve, he stares at the gold watch. "Wow. Little perv, you sure can sleep."

Furrowing my brows to understand his meaning, I turn my head towards the alarm clock. My eyes widen at the time, and I leap out of bed. I somehow slept through my alarm, "How is that possible? I set the alarm last night!" I grabbed my uniform and rushed towards the restroom.

"Ah. Yes, I turned it off."

I stop my tracks in front of Ricardo, "You touched my alarm clock?"

He nods, "Yes, it was too loud; but, it did help me get out of bed. Next time, set it fifteen minutes earlier." He grabs his backpack and leaves the room.

I scoff at his ridiculous command. Once the door closed, I grabbed my shoes and intended to throw them at the door; but realized that I was late enough. I let out a ridiculously high pitched shriek before running into the bathroom.

"He touched my alarm clock!" I told Crystal, who was leaning against the row of lockers.

She continues chewing the piece of gum inside her mouth before blowing a bubble. It popped. "You got a hot Italian guy in your bedroom, and you're angry at him for touching your alarm clock?" she laughed.

"How dare he? After all, I went through with Josh yesterday, attempting to make peace between them, and he touched my alarm clock! I didn't even have time to brush my hair."

Crystal rushes her fingers through the tangled strands. "Explained why you look like an untamed horse."

I glare at her, "You're not nice either."

Crystal pretends to be scared, "Woah. You are upset."

"Hey, there gorg-" Ahmend stop talking once he saw me, "What the fuck happened to you?"

I glared at him, but instead of responding, I slammed the locker shut. Crystal giggled, "It's because of her roomies."

"Ah," Ahmend nodded. Suddenly, there was a brief silence in the air before everyone resumed their conversation in a whisper-like tone. I noticed how everyone was looking in one direction, and I motioned my head towards the spotlight. My head automatically tilted, seeing none other than Ricardo walking inside the building. A single strap was hanging off his shoulder and another holding what I presumed to be the school map. Without taking another step, a group of people began crowding him.

"Who's that?" a girl whispered.

"Ricardo Winston," another girl responds.

"He's hot."

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