XLIV. Private Tutors

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Hailey's POV:

A girl pushes me back, and my shoulder crashes against the lockers, causing a loud bang to echo throughout the room. The girls around me smirked while keeping a round distance, not allowing me to escape.

"Excuse me, but that was rude," I responded. My lips tilted downward into a frown.

The girl shoved her hands into her pocket as the lollipop inside her mouth skewed from one direction into the other. She tilted downward, popping the candy out of her pale lips. "Yeah...and what are you going to do about it?"

This happens.

Let's say not everyone at Pandora Academy approves of me.

There was a scowling sound on my side. "Look. She thinks she's all good because our Joshua pays a bit of attention to her?"

My eyes narrowed as my grip tightened around my books. "He's not your Josh," my tone was bland.

"Joshua belongs to everyone, not just you, slut."

"Noun. A woman who has many casual sexual partners," I respond, I did not have a good day today. With the past suddenly re-emerging and the fact I bombed all my exams, I was in a terrible mood.

Her head tilted, a single chuckle leaving her mouth. "What?"

"That's the definition of the word slut. Synonyms would be promiscuous woman, prostitute, whore, floozy, tramp-"

She crosses her arms, "I know what slut means."

"If you truly know what it meant, then you wouldn't have misused it."

She snorts, "We all know you slept with Josh, you slut."

I smirk, tilting my head slightly while batting my lashes. "Yes, many times."

Of course, we don't sleep sleep together, but we do sleep together.

"What to know a secret?" I whispered while everyone stayed quiet, as their eyes narrowed with curiosity. "I was the first girl who slept with him too," I sighed, placing a hand on my chest, feeling the erratic heartbeat, knowing it's not a good idea to make a bunch of wealthy girls mad. "I remember how he laid on my chest, telling me not to leave."

That was actually my oldest memory of sleeping with Josh. It was when I was five, and he was seven. There was a thunderstorm, and Josh clung to me all night and begged me not to leave.

The girl to my side flinches forward, holding a fist in the air, looking as if she was about to throw a punch until the girl in front of me stopped her. "Enjoy it while you can, Vaughn, but you're a nobody. Soon, Joshua will realize it." She took a step forward while I stumbled back until I couldn't go back any further. "All because you're in a fancy dress doesn't make you a princess. Know your fucking place, commoner."

Even though I'm not a scholarship student, everyone knows my family isn't wealthy. It's not hard to put the pieces together in why I'm able to attend such a prestigious school.

I bit my lower lips as my hand curled into a fist, viciously inhaling her vanilla scent through my nostrils.

"What's going on here?" Josh's voice leaps through the hallway as his eyes trance towards all of us. Steadily, the girls opened up a path for him and Mason, who was still as quiet as always. Josh grabbed my shoulder, tilting me towards him, and my eyes met with his. "Everything okay?"

I bit my inner cheeks, "No. Everything is not okay."

Instantly, I turn towards the girl from earlier and grab her by the shoulder. Her brows furrowed, and I slammed my fist across her cheek. Her head banged against the lockers as she fell onto the floor, holding onto her face. The girls rushed towards her while I blew my blonde hair from my face.

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