XLIII. Jealousy

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Hailey's POV:

I stare at the guy in front of me.

"Don't scream."

I will scream.

I nod.

Ricardo removes his hand, "Did you tell him?"

"Tell who what?"

"Mr.Timberland...about the tests."


He exhales.

"But you should tell him."

He snickers, "Funny."

"I'm serious."

"Seriously funny," he said in such a severe tone that it's almost scary.

"You shouldn't be stealing exams. Why are you stealing? If you don't know, stealing is bad." I feel like I'm talking to Alvin.

He slams a fist beside my head.

My face scrunches, "What are you doing?"

"Don't tell anyone."

I puff my cheeks, "Fine-" I agreed because I'm scared of him. His fist looks like it can beat me up. "But, I hope your conscience will eat you up."

He rolls his eyes and walks away.

With shaky legs, I head back towards the table.

Josh looks up from the dishes, "What took you so long?"

I sat down and picked up the fork, "Bad stomach."

Josh nudged a brow but just said: "Weirdo," and left it at that.

The exams are over...somehow I'm still alive.

I cradle myself underneath the covers.

A finger pokes me, "Hey. I'm sure you didn't do that bad."

"I can't believe I didn't know there were questions in the back!" I cried.

My hand pulls out from underneath the cover, and Josh hands me a tissue. I blew my nose and gave it back to him. He exchanges it with a piece of chocolate. I engulf the divine sweet.

I reach out for another one.

"We're out," he said.

I cried even harder.

My chocolate!


I can feel myself being lifted from the bed, the blanket still wrapped around my body. When I opened my eyes, I saw the floor, "Where are you taking me?"

"Out of this miserable room," Josh said.

Some people greeted us.

They didn't even question why we are doing what we are doing.

My feet land on a cold wooden floor, my body swaying against Josh's body. "One box of chocolate."

I poke my head out from underneath the covers and look around to see the aisles of food. We're at the student's store. I sniffed, smelling the scent of fresh chocolate in front of me. I smiled.

"What's wrong with your face?" The cashier at the counter asked.

"My face?" I question.

"Yeah." He hands me a mirror.

I look at myself.

A mess.

A complete utter mess like one of those drug addicts who's trying to quit.

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