Mamma [Extra 1.2]

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Ricardo's POV:

"Cucciolo," she mumbled.

"Yes, mamma?"

"I want to see you."

I switch the call to FaceTime.

Mamma got skinnier.

She smiles, her hollow cheeks plump slightly. "Look at you. My handsome baby boy. Can you smile for mamma?"

With all my energy, I gave her the largest smile in the world, showing off every single tooth.

Mamma told me her most favorite thing in the world is my smile.

The tears emerge, and she smiles, "So handsome."

"Mio cuore," papa's voice appears, "It's getting late. You need to take your medications and go to sleep." Papa is very strict about mamma's schedule - her diets, her sleeping patterns...her life.

Mamma exhales, "Okay, give me one more minute," she said, before turning back towards me. "I love you, Ricardo."

I smile, "I love you too, mamma."

The screen blacks out.

I inhaled a sharp breath and stood up, my back scraps against the cold bricks. With all my power, I walk up the stairs and towards my room. When I opened the door, the room was empty. I flopped down in bed and closed my eyes.

I want to sleep.

Sometime in the middle of the night, the door opens, and feet shuffle inside.

"Hay Bug, I'm telling you-" the annoying voice stopped.

"Shhh," Hailey said. "Ricardo is sleeping." At least she has some decency.

The door closes, "We wouldn't have to be quiet if he wasn't- Ow! Did you just pinch me?" Josh whispers.

"You. I told you to be nicer to him."

"Ow! Stop pinching me!"

After some more bickering, the noises stop.



Then, the horror begins.

My lids snap open, hearing the waves of snores across the room. At first, I wondered how Hailey got used to it. Then she gave me an answer. They're both snorers.

I threw off the blanket and sat up. My fingers rush through my hair as the noises only continue. I grab the shoes and jacket; then open the door. Halting at the door, I look at the backpack. I grab the bag along with some books and walk out of the dorm room.

It's cold.

I tilt my head, gazing upward. I can barely see any stars. My hands shove inside the pocket of my jacket, and I exhale a deep breath. Back in Italy, I could see countless stars.


Not as much.

Mamma and I used to lay outside and count the stars together. In every direction, there is a star, a spark. We would talk about flying the universe together, anywhere and everywhere.

But then her health got worse.

She's bedridden most days.

Right now, she'll probably be sitting on the balcony to watch the sunrise.

The library is empty.

Endless aisle of books, untouched with the rise of technology.

There's the occasion of a few students inside. Some studying. Others, sleeping. Most likely scholarship students. One slip up, and you're out.

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