XL. Kidnapped

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Hailey's POV:

Riding in the back of a car while being tied up and blindfolded isn't exactly my idea of a fun night.

Well, at least they were kind enough to shove a clean sock into my mouth so I wouldn't embarrassingly scream for help while begging them to let me go.

I had a momentary belief that they would let me go if I told them I could con Josh's family out of millions.

They laughed.


Then, it happened.

The tears drop, leaking through the blindfold as they take me farther and farther away from school.

They all stop talking.

A muffled cry left my mouth.

Someone took out the sock.

I cried even harder, and with each breath I took, it feels harder to breathe.

I was wailing...hard.


I can only hear the faint sound of music playing in the background, then a cough.

A broad hand pats my back, slow and steady, seemingly in an attempt to calm me down.

I wail even harder.

"Stop the car."

He sounds kind of familiar.


"Leave! Leave! All of you!"

Door slams.

I'm still wailing.

I can feel his hands reaching for my head.

This is it.

This is the part where he does terrible things to me that will potentially earn me a trip to a therapeutic house or the grave.

He exhales, "Open your eyes."

I shook my head.

I refused to look at the monster in front of me.

He reaches for my wrists, "Hay Bug. Open your eyes."

"N-No. I w-wo-" Wait. Hay Bug?

I peek open a lid, feeling the rope slipping off my wrists. The snot and tears were still drowning down my face.

One moment, I was on the edge of pissing my dress.

The next...furious.

He smiles, "Surprise! Welcome to-"

I slap him.

It shocked both of us.

"You think this is funny!" I snapped, "You think making me feel like I was going to get raped and murdered funny?!"

"H-Hay Bu-"

"Don't you fucking Hay Bug me, you mother fucking piece of shit!" I didn't know I had it in me.

I threw the door open, realizing we were in front of the campus. They must have been driving me in circles.

I slammed the door and made my way towards the dormitory. Josh grabbed my wrist and spinned me around, "Now, you got the right to be mad."

"Mad? Mad!" I know my face was burning red. "You think I'm mad?!"

He shook his head.

"Oh, you're right. I'm not mad. I'm not mad at all! I'm fucking pissed off!"

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