XI. Josh Has a Sister

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Hailey's POV:

I woke up in the morning.

Josh has a sister.

I brush my teeth.

Josh has a sister.

I change my clothes.

Josh has a sister.

I comb my hair.

Josh has a sister.

I put on my socks.

Josh has a sister.

"If I didn't know any better. People would think you're the one who found out she has a long-lost sister," Josh said.

I look up from my white socks, "You have an older sister."

"Yes. Thank you for clarifying that." He squeezes my plump cheek.

I gasped, "You went home early during the holidays because-"

He nods, "I went to meet my long-lost half-sister and to make sure my parents don't divorce." Josh grabbed the jacket off the hanger and tugged it on. "So, yes. My life does sound like a movie."

"I didn't say anything." I went to the closet to get a new jacket. I walk out, "Are you okay?" I didn't have the opportunity to ask that during dinner because I was still shocked. I should've known, considering how Juliette, Josh, and Mr.Greyson all resembled each other.

He shrugged, "Just another sibling, except this time, older."

"Is your mom serious about...adopting?" During dinner, Mrs.Greyson announced that she would adopt Juliette as her daughter. Her desire for a daughter is stronger than we all thought.

"If my mom says she'll adopt, nothing will stop her."

"How does your dad feel?"

"He doesn't care." That sounds like Mr.Greyson.

"The news?"

"Will eat this all up."

"What about Juliette's mom?"

"Restraining order."

My eyes widen, "What?" His life does sound like one of those dramatic, rich life movies, but I won't say it out loud. Josh's family situation doesn't sound like something I should joke about.

"Yeah." He scratches his head, "Her mom kind of...beat her."

I'm glad I decided not to make a joke about his movie-like life. That would've been bad.

"Oh," I responded. Now, I feel bad glaring at her.

After we changed, we met up with our family again to explore the town. There wasn't much to do, so we all flew to an island nearby for the weekend. Yup - it sounds normal. Everywhere we went, the children would scream and play around while the adults chit-chat. I watched as Juliette stood beside Mrs.Greyson and conversed with the adults.

"Kiss ass," Crystal grumbled.

"Be nice," I replied.

Right now, we're at a resort near the beach. Crystal pulls up her sunglasses, "Look, I get it. She got beat up as a child. But, it doesn't automatically make her someone we can trust."

"I'm not saying we have to trust her. It's just...we shouldn't be mean to her."

"I'm not going to push her around, but it doesn't mean I have to act fake with her. Plus, look at her." We look at Juliette. "Why do you think she's been following around Aunt Nina like a lost puppy? The girl knows who has the power in the house. Do you think she would get adopted by kissing up to Uncle Matt? No. Why? Because we all know he doesn't give a single fuck."

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