Mamma [Extra 1.1]

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Ricardo′s POV:

I held the phone close to my ear.

"How's my cucciolo doing?" Her soft voice whispered through the phone.

I smile, and the chair twirled back and forth, "I'm good, mamma."

"Did you eat?"

Unconsciously I nod, "I ate."

"Good food?"

"Fruits and veggies."

"Green veggies?"

"What other vegetables would I eat, mamma?"

She giggles, a warm sound, "Don't you sass your mamma. I will go over there and give you a good spanking."

I groan and hang my head back, "Mamma."

"I won't if you-" she stops, and then it starts. I stop twisting the string and listen to those gruesome coughs.


"I'm fine. Just get me a cup of water."

I frown, "Mamma."

"I'm f-"

I turn the chair towards the desk and stare at the family photo. "Mamma, you're not fine."

She drinks the water and exhales, "I'm fine, Cucciolo."


"Mamma is fine. Really."

I ran my thumb across mamma's face. I wish I could be there with her and not here.

She clears her throat, "Now, apologize to the woman who gave life to you." she sang, pretending to be okay.

I twist the long string hanging off my shirt around my finger, "I'm sorry."

"Yes, that's right. I am the boss." she laughs. Mamma always does this. Pretend to be okay in front of her loved ones.

"Mamma, I want to go home."

She exhales, "Mamma wants you here too." Silence. "You don't hate mamma?"

I shook my head, "I told you-" many times, "I could never hate you."

"Even if I was the one who sent you away?"

"You didn't. Papa did."

She exhales, "Ricardo. Your papa wasn't the one who-"

"Why?" I question. "Why do you always defend him, mamma? He is the reason you're trapped inside the mansion. He never let you out."

"Your papa. He's scared; you know that."

I press my head further into my hand before running it down my mouth.

"I don't have the best health, cucciolo, and your papa knows that."

She always does this.

"He doesn't want me to get hurt."

She always defends that man.

"He doesn't show it well, but he does care about everyone."

No matter what he does to her.

"You know he can't express his emotions well. It' he was raised."

Papa didn't grow up in the best environment. Let's say I'm glad my bisnonno is dead, and I rarely see noona. I ran my hand up and down my face before swallowing. It's futile to discuss this type of topic with mamma. I know it.

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