XVI. I Hate You

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Hailey's POV:

I rolled the bracelet around my wrist and exhaled dramatically.

Alvin glanced at me, but he continued to eat the cereal.

I exhale again.

He grabs another spoonful and shoves it in his mouth.

I went closer to his face and exhaled again.

"What?!" His cheeks were full of food. "What is it that you want from me?!" Milk splattered all over the table.

My parents wanted to have a family day - as in, just us - before they leave later. This means I have less than 24 hours to persuade my parents to give me something valuable, or I'll get kicked out of M.I.N.D.

They have a vending machine with free snacks that I've gotten really attached to ever since I discovered it in the club room's back. I can eat as many snacks as I want and then-

"Tootsie. How do you get mom and dad's trust?"

Alvin smiled, "First-"

I listen to him intently.

"I would let them finish breakfast."

My lips fall into a straight line before I move away. I settled my cheeks on my palms before I exhaled dramatically again.

Alvin swallowed, "If they don't trust you. Do you think they'll let you move across the country?"

I tilt my head towards him. "But, what if I want something tangible from them as an act of trust?"

Alvin's face twisted, "You're starting to sound like those weird rich kids on tv." He grabbed his bowl and made his way to the sink.

A beep sound made its way into the room, and I turned the chair to see Mr.Greyson. "Good morning Mr.Greyson, but I think you're in the wrong hotel room. The penthouse sweet is way upstairs."

Mr.Greyson smiled, "Good morning to you too, Hailey." He messed up my hair, "Morning, Alvin."

Alvin shoves another spoonful of cereal into his mouth. "Mowing."

"I have something to give your dad. Where is he?"

"In the room with mom," I said.

"Thanks." We watch as Mr.Greyon walks down the hallway and disappears.

Alvin leaned against the table, "Do you think he has gifts for us?"

"Us?" I question. "Why would he have gifts for us?"

"Dang." He got off the table and went to the couch. Alvin crashed down, "You think dad is gay?"


"You think Mr.Greyson will be our new dad?"

"What in the world are you talking about?"

He turns on the tv. "You think he will buy me a Gamestation?"

"Alvin!" I feel like I want to pull out my hair. Suddenly, I don't miss him anymore. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you think Mr.Greyson and dad are a bit too close? I mean, he bought dad a car. I'm pretty sure they're using mom and Mrs.Greyson as cover-ups for their love affairs."

"Alvin. Mom told you to stop watching those Spanish Soap operas."

Alvin scoffs, "I haven't watched that in years."

"The Korean dramas?"

His face scrunches up, and he turns his body over. "You can't stop me from being who I am!" He muffled into the pillow.

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