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Hey Descendants!

I'm feeding my niece a bottle as I'm typing this. Flex one hand typing.


Thank you so much for stopping by to read our latest chapter.

Anyone notice a theme with this and the last three chapters?

We think we're clever sometimes.

We hope you enjoy, and please don't forget to leave us a note. Seriously, slapstick comedy gold when our phones go off because of comments and reviews.

Lots of love!


"Where the fuck are we even supposed to start with this shit?" Mal huffs as she looks around the room, appearing just as lost as he felt.

Opposite sides of lost, but lost all the same.

She didn't know where to start picking from.

He didn't know how to only pick a few favorites?

"Maybe just pick a few each and then go from there?" Carlos hesitantly offers as he slowly spins in place to look at all the shelves.

"Sounds like a plan." Jay nods, seeming just as overwhelmed as Mal.

"Um, so I do have a question." Evie presses her lips together as she clutches Mal's dress to her chest.

"Sup?" Mal raises an eyebrow as she turns to her.

Apparently taking any excuse to avoid the project.

He smiles.

"Sorry Mal, more of a Ben question." Evie smiles.

He pats Mal on the shoulder with an apologetic look. "Of course," He walks over, "How can I help?"

Evie takes a deep breath as she carefully lays the dress out on a table he'd set aside for her, "Four." She huffs before she turns back to him.

He waits for her to continue but when she doesn't, "Sorry. Four what exactly?"

"VKs. Four VKs for summer." Evie frowns before she quickly smooths her features again, "I mean, four didn't even cover our gang completely, and now you have to pick four more-" She looks away.

But not before he saw the glimmer of tears gathering in her eyes.

He sighs at the truth of the statement.

It had to be enough for now. The council refused to budge on bringing more than four over at a time.

And he understood that with the program being so new there would be setbacks.

But the program had barely started and it had already been pushed back from spring to summer, and yet the amount they could bring over still hadn't changed.

At this rate, if the council had any say, it was going to take years to get all these kids off the Isle.

He bites his lip, "I know." He frowns. "I know it's not enough. But it's something. Not a lot. Not nearly enough. But it will keep the ball rolling."

"Honestly Ben, it's more than we ever thought we'd get."

He turns to Carlos as his freckled face smiles up at him encouragingly.

He appreciated the support.

The sentiment.

Just as sweet and kind as always.

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