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Hey Descendants!

We're kicking off another week. We're here, with a new update. Yay!

Ready for this? Remember that tense moment in the movie before the crowning where Mal went one way while the king and Queen went the other?


Here's our version.

And then some.

We hope you enjoy the chapter.

Please, please, please let us know you were here. We've been getting very stressed out lately with a lot of RL stuff, so hearing from you guys would make our days!

Please and thank you?

Lots of Love,


How the fuck did this happen?

She bites the inside of her cheek as she studies the ground under her feet.

She'd known it was inevitable. But why today? She was already so far out of her comfort zone.

She could feel all the eyes on her.

Could hear the whispers.

And now this?

She glances up at the King-

The one who had abandoned them.

Trapped them on an Isle of villains and wrote them off.

The king that had blatantly dismissed hundreds of tablets pleading for help.

The king who'd been okay providing feasts for everyone in his kingdom while those forgotten on the Isle had to forage through their leftover trash to eat.

The King that had sentenced her, her gang, and the others they'd left behind to be abused and r-

She bites her cheek harder.


Abused and worse.

She exhales slowly as she continues to stare at the King's offered arm.

She didn't want this man touching her.

Didn't want to be touching him.

But- Ugh.

The things she was willing to do for Ben disgusted her sometimes.

"Why don't you escort both of us by leading us, Dear." She hears Belle whisper before the King's arm is removed from her line of sight and the Queen's pale yellow gloved arm replaces it, "You know how much I enjoy Mal's company. And you shouldn't deny me the opportunity to get a good look at Evie's work, right Mal?"

She nods mutely as she takes Belle's arm, her cheeks on fire as she lets out a relieved, "Thank you."

"Never let anyone force you to do something you don't want to do, Dear, not even us." Belle lightly squeezes her hand as they turn to follow the king. "I should have warned you that this would be a possibility and let you decide how you wanted to handle it."

Yeah, it really fucking would've been nice to have some warning.

But it wasn't like she could say that right now. So she curbs herself. "I'd appreciate that."

"I promise to devote more attention to things like this in the future."

She sighs.

Meaning things like this.

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