Send Off

21 2 7

Sup fuckers?

Twisted here cause Dark's making vegan cookies-


Hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

It was nice to feel some tension draining.

Even if it was only just a little.

He sighs as he looks down to Mal, who was watching the barge intently.

Eyes narrowed.

Jaw tense.

Gripping on to his hand like a vice.

He turns to Jay, finding a slightly more resolved expression above the crossed arms.

Evie was squeezing the tube of lip gloss with determination stamped clearly on her face.

David and Nani were standing behind them, hand in hand as they watched over the group and the barge.

Concern was the only thing he could read in their faces.

"We loaded up all the provisions we could, they're taking a smaller load of trash this time out so they don't have to go as slow." He explains, feeling the need to share all the information he had.


He just hoped it might help.


"They'll go even faster on the return back with the group." He continues.

"Smart," Jay nods somberly.

"Thank you for being so thoughtful," Evie adds.

Neither of them take their eyes off the barge.

"We'll send more on the next barge. Supplies are still being collected, but we won't know the full extent of what is needed until the others come over."

He looks up when a hand settles on his shoulder to find David with a half-hearted grin.

"Brah, you're doing everything you can do under the circumstances."

"Yeah man, don't beat yourself up over this." Jay adds, finally taking his eyes off the barge to stare at him, "You got it fixed as soon as you knew."

"They're tough. And Uma's crew looks out for each other, and T and Harry promised-" Evie takes a deep breath as she squeezes the gloss in one hand, "They promised they'd look out for others. And T and Deez have always gone out of their way to look out for people. It'll be okay."

It'd better be.

He glances around the group.

How could people not get it, see it? How good these kids were. Here they were, comforting him when they were the ones who had the most at stake.

His chest constricts.

"Besides, they had all those fucking supplies already. And Uma's a fucking softy, no way she'd hoard that all to herself." Mal finally adds as she hugs him.

He smiles at the softness she did her best to hide behind the disdain.

But, he hadn't missed the way Shrimpy had shifted to Uma over the last few weeks.

It was a good sign.

He'd need both of them to help get the rest settled enough to actually be able to function.

He'd seen how hard it was on the pack when they'd come over.

Culture shock didn't even begin to cover it.

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