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Hiya Descendants!

I hope everyone's holidays are going well. Not gonna lie, the Dark and Twisted houses could use a little magic and wonder right now.

Moving on...

You guys ready for Ben's point of view about that video chat? And who do you think he'll go talk to?

Only one more chapter to go before we put 2020 behind us.

We look forward to hearing from you all at the end of the chapter. Seriously. Every time our phones alert us to a comment or review we dive like wild animals to read them.

Imagine that before you x out of the chapter. You too could be responsible for a series of hilarious hijinks where Twisted and I narrowly evade injury in our excitement to connect with you guys.

Think about it :)

Lots of love and-

Happy Holidays!

Happy Hanukkah ! (Sorry guys, I know this passed us by, but I hope it was beautiful and connecting in every best possible way.)

Merry Christmas!

Happy Winter Solstice!

Happy Monday!



Things could have been so much worse. Damn the stipulation that VKs get screen time with their families every Parent Weekend.

The first thing he was doing once he got back to his office was drafting a revision to the agreement.

It was one thing for it to be available.

Another entirely for it to be something forced on the VKs once they were here.

It could have been so much worse.

And the worst part was knowing that he still didn't have the full depth of how much worse it could have been.

He sighs as he parks his car and finally loosens his white-knuckled grip from around the steering wheel.

He hated leaving the group after that, especially Mal.

His forehead drops to the steering wheel.

Especially after the day she'd been having.

Coming back to the school completely exonerated by the crown should have been enough.

He takes a deep breath.

No. He wasn't that naive. It wouldn't have stopped the rumors.

Or the fear of the unknown individual, or more likely group, who would be so desperate to get his friends sent back to the Isle.

Or worse, were willing to kill.

If the group simply wanted to scare them into leaving there were a million other ways.

But guns?

Guns sent a very vivid message.

He shakes his head before he sits back in his seat and unbuckles.

There was nothing he could do about that right now.

But that only left him with the fact he hated leaving Mal after that intense conversation and the following tension between the group.

Still, he knew better than to go against her wishes.

Best he could do, and did do, was express that he wanted to stay with her, but he also understood that she needed some space.

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