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Yo, yo, yo!

Guess what bitches!

Dark's on her B-day vacay!

That's right, Dark is turning-


Could you imagine?

Putting your Bestie on blast like that?

I mean, I usually tote's would, but legit bitch would kill me, and yes sure, she'd continue the story so there's really no investment there, but still. I actually enjoy writing, uh, I mean living.

No, but seriously.

Dark is the real puppet master pulling the strings, I just come up with random plots- Dark though? Dark puts that shit in action and then punches you with a chair to the gut, yeah, I know what I said, (Fight me) with emotional torment.

Seriously you, there wouldn't be a story without Dark.

I don't have the attention span for that shit.

I don't come up with the timelines, outlines, or (dead) any other kinda lines.

And honestly, if it was just me writing the middle of the first book would have ended in a nuclear cloud.  (all my personal stories end in nuclear bombs. All you better hope she never dies, cause that's how every series we're writing will end.)

So if ya wanna give her some love because she doesn't pull this type of shit, what type of shit?

This kinda shit-

I forgot what day we post since, ya know, can read any chapter whenever I want-

Oh, and know exactly what fucked shit is happening to the Sea Fam-

Which is nice- If I were you guys that'd be killin' me right now.

She groans as her head hits the desk.

Why couldn't he just accept she was totally okay with her C average?

Coasting was so more her style.

"Come on," He chuckles as he pats her pack.


She could just hear his grin.

"It's not that bad." He continues. "It's just some math, and I even weaved strawberries into it."

She groans again as she props her chin on the table petulantly as her gaze settles on the bowl that he was purposefully keeping out of reach.

"Come on, finish the line." Ben prompts as he pulls a large berry from the bowl.

She pulls herself up as she glares at the problem for several moments.

She felt like fucking Dude begging for a treat.

"T fucking dammit," She huffs, blowing a strand of hair from her face.

"Hmm?" Ben tilts his head to the side as he studies the strawberry in his hand.

She studies him for a moment before her head hits the desk. "Fuck me." She once more groans.

Ben smiles as he passes the strawberry to her.

She stares at it traitorously before she sits up and quickly scoops it up before popping it in her mouth.

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