Core Crisis

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Hey Descendants Family!

Wow, it feels good to be writing these again. I'm still not 100% yet, but I am feeling so much better than I have been.

Thank you to everyone who reached out to us in understanding of the situation, we love you guys and thank you so much for the support.

Anyway, new chapter! For now we'll be updating on Mondays, we didn't write anything while I was sick so we have to really knuckle down and get this book done.

But done it will eventually be, and as soon as we feel a little more comfortable we will start posting twice a week again.

Lots of Love!


She stares at the screen as it cuts out.

That had been the last thing she had been expecting when they'd been told they were going to have to speak to her mother.

She so wasn't complaining, but still, fuck.

She sighs before she tilts her head to look up at Ben, "So, that was T and Hook."

"Yeah-" Ben blinks before his lips twitch into a smile, "That was pretty awesome," He purses his lips as he tilts his head to the side, "the God made things a little weird, and I have no idea what I'm going to do about getting him a phone. Talk with Zeus maybe?"

She snorts, "Good luck with that." She pats his back. "But honestly I say fuck him." She drops his hand as she steps away, "I have zero clue what the fuck that was," She was still processing everything herself but, "I just know Senior doesn't deserve shit."

Ben bites his lip, "I can't disagree with you on that." He sighs, "But you saw how T- which I seriously understand your hatred of his hood at this point-"

"No shit right? Obnoxious fuck." She shakes her head.

That was one thing she didn't have to process.

What the fuck was T doing? Mother knew he wasn't thinking.

Stealing shit from her mother.

Unifying the goblins.

Whatever the fuck that had been with Senior.

Fucking shitiot was going to give her a heart attack from a sea away. Ugh.

Ben chuckles, "But Had- Senior, Senior didn't seem to care that they were there, or that we were talking to them. I uh, I guess I just had a different expectation."

She bites her lip, so was she. "Ugh." She drops her eyes taking a deep breath. "He's not usually like that." She could feel her headache coming on. She glances at Carlos and Evie in concern to find them still staring blankly at the black screen.

Yep. Definitely a headache. She rubs her temples.

She and Jay were going to have to explain so much.

"I saw Fairy Godmother on my way here, I think she mentioned something about hot chocolate and cookies?" Ben runs his hands over her shoulders before he turns to David and Jay.

Shit. She still had to deal with that shit show from-

"Really?" Carlos's eyes widen, interrupting her thoughts as he inches closer to the door. "I want-" He stops when he gets next to her, lips turned in a frown as he looks her over, "to know if you want cookies."

She's not the only one to snort. "If I want cookies, huh?" She lifts an eyebrow, unable to help her amusement.

Carlos blushes as he looks down and toes the floor awkwardly, "Yeah? Or hot chocolate, cause maybe you like that better."

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