She's Baaaaaaaack

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Hiya Descendants!

Another week, another update :)

Sorry that it's the tiniest bit late.

RL gets hard sometimes.

We hope you enjoy the chapter! I mean, if you're reading this it means you've stuck with our nerdy asses this long, and we appreciate it so much!

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Lots of Love!


What was this?

She stares at the sparking wand in confusion as apprehension floods her.

Why was she feeling-

It felt so familiar.

She closes her eyes.

This feeling.

Why would-


How was Fairy Godmother's wand, goodness incarnate, making her feel so-

The energy was so-

The pain-



And so, so, so much more.


Her jaw tenses as she grips the wand tighter and swallows hard.

No, that couldn't be right.

She opens her eyes and quickly looks around the room.

The gold and blue.

The unfamiliar faces staring at her in fear.

With trepidation.

In horror.

The whole church felt so, so still.

What were they afraid-


They were afraid of her.

A shiver runs down her spine.


She glares at the wand as her hand tightens.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

What the shit had she been thinking.

This had been so stupid.

Like T level stupid.

What the fuck was she supposed to do with a temper tantrum-ing wand.

And for damn sure the stupid thing was throwing a fucking fit.

Like it was begging to fly from her hands.

Or was she just wishing she could throw it away?

Like it could sense that she was evil or something.

Or was she sensing something in the wand?

It was hard to tell with so much going on around her.

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