Allies in Arms

37 3 7

Hey Descendants!

Better a little late than really late :)

I caught a cold last week and it is really kicking my butt, so is taking care of the rest of my house who also caught the cold.

Anyways, we hope you're enjoying the story!

Let us know in a comment or a review, we always look forward to hearing from you!

Lots of Love!




He wasn't a fan.

Such a thing was the norm here.

That didn't mean he had to like it.

It was a source of frustration he could do nothing about.

Several of his associates had offered to teach him the basics, some even insisted on it.

He just didn't have a taste for it.

Trust it.

And this was exactly why.

Those kids-

PTSD wasn't even broad enough to cover what those kids were going to experience while the perpetrators were roaming free.

He turns and eyes the Kawanii's.

As much as he hated to admit it, he could, objectively, see what had pulled David and Nani so deeply into this... Situation.

And by proxi, him.

He was in it now.

Willing to drop everything he was working on to throw himself into the protection and mental healing these kids not only needed, but deserved.

His eyes sweep to Lilo.

She'd been an easy case compared to what they were working on together.

Auradon's villains were a different breed.

And the fact they hadn't been sterilized before being put on the Isle had been a large oversight on it's governments part.

Even villains would love their children.

Propaganda used to keep civilians complacent.

He couldn't blame Adam for leaving the Isle in a council's hands.

On the surface it would seem like a good idea.

A group of people having to talk about every situation that came up, no one person making decisions based on the past.

No one person using their power to exact revenge.

Oh yes, he'd read the notes on how the council was formed and why Adam had approved it.

However, corruption bred corruption, and if there had been even one snake in the den- The whole of it would be poisoned.




Everything the council had been formed to prevent.

He was familiar with all of it. Used to it.

In the many fields he'd served it always boiled down one to two ways.

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