Eaten Alive

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Hiya Descendants!

Omg... is this what on time looks like?



So hey, how 'bout that last chapter?

Don't forget we're a week ahead on Patreon if you simply can't wait for the next chapter.


Look for us there.


Lots of Love,



"Ben," Lonnie calls out, "Doug!" She cries as she and Roy run up behind them.

"They got them!" Roy slaps his hands against Doug's back as if he were a drum.

"Dude!" Doug turns to swat at him, "We're in a sew- Wait, what?"

"Sorry! Sorry!" Roy immediately pulls his hands behind his back.

"I got through to David," Lonnie rolls her eyes at Roy, "they found them!"

"Thank god." He sighs with relief as it feels like a weight is lifted from his chest. "Are they okay?"


It had been days.

Lonnie takes a deep breath, "He, mentioned taking them to the hospital, but you know how David is, confidentiality and all that. He didn't go into specifics. He said to tell everyone he is begging that we go take a decontamination shower and get some sleep."

Her words barely register.

They were safe.

Mal was safe.

They'd found them.

"Right." He nods automatically.

"He also said he'll let us know when we can go see them," Lonnie adds as she lightly rests her gloved hand on his.

"Makes sense." Doug sighs in disappointment. "I can't imagine that they're in any condition that they'd be alright with us seeing them in, anyways."

"I would guess not." Lonnie frowns.

He reluctantly nods, "What matters is that they've been found and are safe." He frowns, "He didn't mention if they came willingly or not, did he?"

"He-" Lonnie's eyes narrow, "Well, he was yelling at Hiro a lot, something about reckless abandon and dragons not mixing well?"

Dragons? His brow furrows.

Had Mal transformed back into a dragon? Or was their Hawaiin counselor still reeling from seeing Mal turn into one in the first place.

He wasn't going to lie. Even being from the land of Magic, it had been a sight.

He was worried about her. He could only imagine how frightening the whole ordeal had been for her.

For them.

He had so much to apologize for.

He'd promised them. Promised. That their parents couldn't touch them here.

That they were safe.

And then Maleficent-

Were they ever going to trust anything he said again?

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