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Hey Descendants,

I can't believe we dipped for a whole week. Neither of us felt well and then a lot of health things kind of knocked us for a loop. 


We're alive. And mending. And we're getting your chapters out to you as fast as my fingers can fly over the board.

Thanks for sticking with us.

Lots of Love!



He looks over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of the barrier-covered Isle in the distance as he checks to make sure no one was watching him.

Make sure she wasn't there.

Make sure she wasn't going to drag him away again.

Like anyone else really wanted him anyway.

"Brah," David's voice permeates through his mind, disrupting his thoughts.

His tone low and calm.

Mellow and concerned.

A soothing balm to the chaos.

He blinks.

How had he forgotten where he was?

He frowns. How long had he spaced out looking at the orange glow of the barrier?

How long had David just sat there? Silently. Patiently.

"You've flinched eight times since you got here." David continues as his eyes sweep over him with a small frown. "I usually wait for you to talk but..." He lets out a sigh.

Not of exasperation, he'd recognize that one.

Or annoyance.

Or anything he was expecting.

It sounded heavy?

Sad maybe?

But why?

He bites his lip.

He wanted to be here.

David assured him he also wanted him to be here.

He just wasn't sure how to explain what was bothering him.

He sighs.

Or, more honestly, he was scared to find out something else was wrong with him.

Who the hell could hear their mother's voice in their head?

So loud.


Over and over.




Good for nothing.


The things he'd heard his whole life.

The only difference was the voice didn't hit him.

Drag him through the fur closet.

Throw things.

It was-

It was just there.

Always there.


Screaming all the things that scared him to his very center.


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