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She knew, just knew this was going to-


Be uncomfortable as fuck.


Piss her the fuck off.


And be a fucking shit show.

If they hadn't been present- She would've kicked Ben for dropping this on her.

Someone needs to come with us?

She bites her lip to keep from scoffing.

He knew.

Fucking knew.

That's why his vague ass hadn't been fucking specific.

If she wasn't so uncomfortable-

So, very, very, very uncomfortable-

And pissed.

She would've commended Ben for this.

She'd no idea he could be so underhanded.



But here she was- Evie-less and close to breathing fire.

And maybe, much to her dismay, torn between wanting to run or cry.

She never knew she could hate anything more than she hated Cruella.

But, T damn it, this situation was teetering really close.

Her eyes narrow, T damn it?

When the fuck had she started-

Like she needed another layer to this shit sandwich right now.

She closes her eyes as she counts back from twenty.

So not the point-

Though definitely a Nani conversation that needed to be had.

She opens her eyes.



She was still fucking livid.

She takes a deep breath.


She shrinks as she feels three pairs of eyes on her.

Ugh. Just, ugh.

Fuck her stupid ass eyes, giving her away.

Cause this is what she needed-

The fucking king looking at her in-

Whatever the fuck he was looking like.

T-fucking-damn-it, she sucked at reading emotions.

Almost as much as the fuck she'd apparently replaced-

Fuck, she'd never said that out loud had she?

Ugh. Not the point.

So not the point.

Where the fuck was Evie or Deez when you needed them to translate-


"We can take a moment if you need it," Ben whispers almost silently against her hair.

"No," She breathes, "It's cool. I'm cool."

This conversation though, this situation?

Everything but.

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