One oh Done

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Hey Descendants!

There's a lot swirling around with the drop of the lastest in the Descendants verse. Lots of new things that could happen.

So we're super happy to have you here, continuing our story.

If you're interested, we've redone the beginning of We Wear the Mask. You've probably seen the mess of me removing some of the chapters. Well now we've reworked Wellwater Rescue, the first time all the mains from Isle of the lost are in the same chapter, into a four part intro.

Part one is up, parts 3-4 will be done as soon as Twisted wakes up from her nap.

Anyway, check it out and let us know what you think.

And don't forget to leave us some love at the end of this chapter.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Lots of Love,



He leans back, head hanging behind him as he stares at the ceiling and groans.

The sound was as miserable as he felt.

It had been eight days.

Eight long-ass days.

Eight days of rejection.

Eight days of worry.

Eight days of- well, nothing good.

He fucking missed them.

He knew it had been a lot.

Like, so fucking much.

But they were their fucking friends.

He was done.

He looks back down at the table to his untouched food.


So fucking done with this waiting shit.

They were never going to leave their room if left to their own decisions.

Not that he could blame them, but they could at least invite them to stew in their misery.


Not that he could blame them-

He'd nearly pissed himself when Evie had-

The cackle.

The blue blur.

Fuck, even just thinking about it still gave him goosebumps.

Still made him sick to his stomach.

He wasn't sure he'd ever gone this long without smoking green.

And the number of classes he'd bailed on-

He was shocked the big FGM wasn't living up his ass.


That would probably mean living up the others' too.

He never would have guessed the headmistress could be this understanding of them- well, specifically him.

He'd spent every day since the incident out by the stables, vigilantly working on his archery and trusting Tuck to be on the lookout for him.

Most people probably wouldn't get it, but hawks, especially his, were so intuitive.

Defending the MaskTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang