Effing T

48 4 17

Hiya Fellow Descendants!

Everyone's getting ready for the weekend...

Minds are starting to look more towards summer activities...

So the fact that you're here and reading this means a lot to us.

We've been on a long journey together.

If it wasn't for you guys, and our Patrons, we would have burned out a long time ago. So Thank you all. Thank you for every message, review, comment, and all the other ways you show your support.

It really gives us the drive to keep going even when we feel like we hit walls in our writing.

If you'd like to see more related to We Wear the Mask, or the journey we as Dark and Twisted Sisters are on, check us out on Pa treon. We're keeping our Patrons up todate on our progress, as well as throwing out teasers, answering questions, and keeping them a week ahead in the story.

Back to the chapter though...

Honestly, this is one of my favorite chapters because I am in love with the character development and the growing relationship between David and Jay. Twisted does such a good job with David, please be sure to give her some love.

And on that note,

Lots of Love!



"Aloha, bruh." David greets with a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Hey." He frowns as he slows to a stop in front of him, fighting the urge to cough at the pain in his side.

He blinks when he realizes it was already starting to get dark.

Damn. How long had he been out here running the track?

"Pizza?" David offers as he casually puts his hands in his pockets, clearly watching him in concern.

"Who told you?" He asks as he wipes a hand across his face.

David shrugs, "Does it matter?"

He sighs, "Not really," he shakes his head before he looks up, "Figured running was better than punching the wall." He absently flexes his hands.

David nods as his lips tilt into a genuine smile, "Wise choice, and I'm sure not an easy one. I'm proud of you."

He snorts, "Mal chased me out of the room because I lost it, not something you should be proud of man." He slips his hands into his pockets, tensing when the crumpled pages crinkle.

"Old habits are hard to break, don't be so hard on yourself." David shakes his head. "Wanna talk about it?"

He takes a deep breath before he slowly pulls the crumbled packet from his pocket. "Did Ben show you guys the letters?"

"Not yet," David frowns as he takes the pages and looks around. "C'mon." He smiles before he guides him to the bleachers by the shoulder, leading them to the top before he settles.

He carefully eases down, trying to hide the way he still had to support his side.

Cracked ribs were so stupid.

"Wanna talk about it before I catch up?"

He grips the edge of the shiny silver seat, feeling the ridges bite into his palms. "It's just all so stupid." He admits as he watches his feet.

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