Ran All Night and Day

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Heya Descendants!

Oooooh... I almost forgot it was Friday!

It's a little late, but hopefully ya'll are here for it!

Lots of Love!



"Uh, Ben, you sure about-"

"Abso-fucking-lutely." He assures Roy.

"Damn." Roy nods, "It's like that?"

"Yes. Yes, it is." He nods firmly.

All he could think about was Mal and the others terrified, alone, and cold. He wasn't sure he'd been able to sleep for more than an hour at a time.

He was making himself sick with worry.

He couldn't imagine what they had to be feeling.

And after the last several hearings couldn't blame them for running.

He wasn't sure he'd ever been so disgusted with people. Never thought he was capable of it.

Still, there was hope.

Hope that there was still goodness in his kingdom.

For every single person who was against them, Mal and her pack, two others were picking up the mantle in their defense.

He'd always thought of Meg and Esmeralda as funny, sarcastic, and witty women. He would never have expected the veracity and fierceness that had come at this slight.

It wasn't even directed at him or his side of things, and it was still overwhelming.

Even his father couldn't get in a word edgewise.

In fact, the entirety of his mother's book club were pretty much psychotic in all the best ways.

Scary ways.

Ways he'd never wanted to be on the receiving end of.

Even Mulan. She just wasn't as... vocal as she was threatening.

Tianna too.

It was going to make his day if Queen Leah ever outright stepped on any of their toes.

Even if most of them weren't royalty, they were definitely a force to be reckoned with.

"Of course it's like that." Lonnie snorts before she looks up at him, "Don't worry, you get used to the smell after an hour or two, but here," she holds up a small jar or some kind of ointment, "this helps."

"Thanks," He smiles gratefully as he applies it under his nose, the scent of peppermint so strong it makes his eyes burn. "Ready."

"Born," Doug states with a surprising amount of force.

"Hold up, let me deck the Prince out." Lonnie huffs before she holds out a belt with several things clipped to it.

He smiles, "Clever. Though I'd expect no less from you three."

"Thank you." Lonnie nods before she points to the additions, "Flashlight, extra batteries, radio, whistle, glowsticks, markers, tightly wrapped food, water, hand sanitizer, wipes. Got it?"

"How utilitarian." He grins.

"Tch. Have you met my fucking parents? My dad would flip if he knew we were going down there unprepared." Lonnie crosses her arms.

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