What a Rip, Ohana Style

78 5 13

Hiya Descendants,

We're back with the posting of chapters!

Mondays and Wednesdays.

Though please bear with us as my house is currently suffering from the plague.

Lots of love,


Jay turns back to the tv, feeling much better now that David and Ben were with them to face whatever it was that was happening here.

Still, what the hell was Senior doing on the screen? And was that really T's voice? And if it was why was he so close to the damn God?

His eyes slide away from the leg barely visible on the back of the couch to scan the room beyond it. It didn't look like Maleficent's place.

His brow furrows, from what he could see it wasn't a place he was familiar with at- He swallows a groan. Was T seriously at the fucking temple?

"Senior?" Mal lifts her brow.

"Hey there Tiny Dragon. How's Auradon life?" Hades chuckles as he waves.

"Um..." Mal blinks as she looks to him in confusion, but all he can do is shrug.

How was he supposed to know more than she did right now?

He had no idea what was happening. Part of him was relieved that it wasn't their parents but the rest of him? The rest of him was worried about what the fuck was happening?

He glances at Carlos and Evie who looked equally confused before he shoots them a tense smile.


Fuck. He turns back to the screen.

That was definitely T. What the fuck was he doing with Hades?

He'd normally snort at Mal's groan but honestly he was equally exasperated.

Why? He closes his eyes, fighting the temptation to rub his temples.

Just fucking why? He sighs, glancing back when he feels Carlos twist his hand in his vest.

Yeah, him too.

"Excuse you, the Tiny Dragon and I are having a-"

T slides down to plop next to Hades. "Just fuckin' move." He shoves the god.

He closes his eyes at the confirmation.

"T!?" He calls out in unison with the rest of his pack. They were all obviously just as surprised as he was.

Good, and bad... Fuck, was this new? Or- fucking shit, how many OV's did T fuck with?

"You're lucky I find you entertaining." Hades grumbles before he stands up.

He blinks. Did the god just-






"JAY!" A dark figure blurs the screen as it lands on T's lap. "Mate!"

"Harry?" It was hard to tell with the hood up.

"Ya be rememberin' me!" The picture blurs again.

Oh yeah, definitely Harry. He looks up at the ceiling and takes a deep breath before he drops his eyes back to the screen.

"Put it the fuck down Hook!"

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