Divide and Collaborate

31 3 19

And today's chapter!

Still breathing?

Lots of Love!



Kami damn it!

He crosses his arms as he throws his back against the wall, staring at David in disbelief.

This was fucking bullshit.

Stupid fucking magic.

Every time they turned around, something else was fucking with these kids.

First, the stupid fucking setup.

Then fucking family day.

Fuck that bitch, by the way.

Queen Leah could go fuck herself.

Then that stupid bitch of a fairy.

Them running away.

He scowls at that one.

And just when they'd managed to convince the kids that a few days apart wouldn't kill them...


Their incubators and sperm donors running around and fucking with them.

Was the fucking world working against them or some shit?

Hadn't they dealt with e-fucking-nough?

"Seriously?" He huffs, "Not even a fucking clue as to who took the stupid thing?"

Nani purses her lips before her shoulders sag. "Nada. The cameras fritzing out coincides with the ceremony. So it could have been a side effect of the magic Jane unleashed." She sighs, "Or it could be that the rest of their villains attacked the museum while Maleficent was busy."

He rolls his eyes, "And you're fucking telling me none of the shitiots at the museum noticed that stupid fucking thing missing?"

David shakes his head, "The museum was shut down after the ceremony. They were too focused on the wand... But, yeah, Cruella's coat is missing along with the rest of Evil Queen's mirror."

His eyes narrow, "The coat?"

David sighs as he nods his head.

His scowl deepens.

He'd seen it.

But he turns to his wife, "Did you notice the damn thing when you did the sweep?"

Lilo closes her eyes as she nods, "It was hanging by the door."

Nani sighs, "We can go check to see if it's still there." She volunteers.

"We know Cobra well enough to know that whole scene has been processed and cleaned." David points out before he leans forward, resting his hands on his knees.

"And uncle didn't say anything about finding one." Lilo frowns.

"Great." He growls, "Shoulda put a damn tracker on the stupid thing." He grumbles.

Lilo shakes her head, "Don't kick yourself too hard. I didn't think about it either. We were too focused on getting our son back."

"You shouldn't beat yourselves up at all." Nani rubs her hands down her face.

He lifts his brow, "Have you met us?"

Nani rolls her eyes, "Hence the silent acceptance."

David slowly shakes his head, "So, what happened on your trip?"

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