Politicking Policy

28 3 6

Hey Descendants!

Sorry this is getting out a little late. We had a COVID scare today and I had to do a COVID test on my 5 year old nephew.


It was not a fun experience.

Luckily it's negative.

And now I can focus on posting chapters and writing with Twisted.

Lots of Love everyone!

Stay safe and healthy!



He closes his eyes as he takes several deep breaths.

The heat taking up residence in his stomach was becoming a problem.

It was getting harder every day to keep his temper in check.

And after yesterday-

How had he not put it all together?

Had they not seemed overwhelmed by the food since day one?

And the smooth milk comment Evie made-

He takes another deep breath, but it doesn't calm the pounding in his chest.


The kids of the Isle of the lost survived off of trash.

Except now, apparently, that wasn't an option for them anymore.

Hadn't been an option in almost two months.

He was beyond livid.

And his line of thinking wasn't doing anything to help his composure.

But being angry wasn't going to do anything to help his cause.

Those- Those-

He couldn't bring himself to call them people at the moment.

The council's deceit and apathy knew no bounds.

He wasn't sure he'd ever been so disgusted.


It was just revolting the lengths they were willing to go.


He takes another deep breath.

Not helping.

Not helping.

Not helping.

But neither was the breathing technique.

He lets out a short sigh before he pushes the door open.

He sweeps his gaze over the occupants in the room, keeping his lips tight to prevent a snarl from escaping.

He walks over and stands by his chair, waiting for everyone to follow proper decorum and rise for him before he slides into his seat.

His eyes fall on the only empty seat before they glance at the clock.


She was late.

Sure it was by three minutes.

But she was still late.

A petty slight against him, but still a slight.

"Prince Benjamin," Queen Leah greets with a small smile as she walks into the room and curtsies.

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