A Pup Attack

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I'm so sorry!

I really got into the D&D game I was playing and totally forgot about anything and everything else!

To be fair, I set a room on fire and nearly killed myself and another player. And then a dragon happened.

Intense, right?

Anyway, chapter.

Lots of Love!



"Dude!" Roy greets with a wide grin, "Sup?" He asks as he rushes him into the room.

He takes a deep breath before he lets it out slowly.

A lot.

The letters from the Isle.

Uma's letter was, well, he wasn't that sure. He hadn't had many run-ins with the Wharf Rats captain since the gangs stopped kidnapping each other.

He vaguely remembered a time last year where Gil had taken him to her when he was spaz-

No not spazzing, panicking.

Gil brought him to the ship when he'd had a panic attack at the cove. After Gil had knocked out T because Senior had collected Deez.

Not that he knew what to call it back then. But from what he did remember, she'd been... Surprisingly nice, especially for being Mal's biggest rival.

But her letter had definitely been informative, if not bold and bordering on demanding.

Then there was Harry's. He'd spent more time with the pirate than he'd ever admit to Mal.

His letter had been so painfully him.

Extra. Flamboyant. And just so Harry.

He'd done his best not to smile. The last thing he wanted was for Mal to see it and interrogate him.

And Gil's letter- That one had just made him happy.

He missed the gentle giant something fierce.

It was almost laughable now. His terror of the bulky teen seemed like a lifetime ago. And in a way, it kinda was. So much had happened since then. Since their lives had been completely ripped out from under them.

Not that he was complaining, not by a long shot.

It was just... Painful.

A painful reminder of what he lost, even though he'd gained so much.

He couldn't help but feel torn between guilt and gratitude.

It was weird.

Gil's shout-out to him was his favorite part out of all of them, though. Knowing that he wasn't mad at him. That he missed him too. It had him almost bursting with happiness.

Well, happiness and relief. He'd been so scared he'd lost Book Club, lost the relationship they'd built.

Deez's letter had brought more relief. To know things were alright with her, from her own handwriting.

It wasn't that he had doubted the others, but... It was nice to hear in her own words that she was okay. That she was with her family. Where she probably would've been since the beginning if she hadn't made friends with them.

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