Shadow Court

52 3 35

Hey Descendants!

So, apparently, Thursdays have become a D&D night for me, but I didn't forget you guys this time!

How about that last chapter, huh?

Ready for this next one?

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Lots of Love!

And don't forget to leave us some love in the comments/reviews.



He frowns as his eyes travel around the room in concern.

Carlos was taking apart the gaming console in the corner of the room, tediously laying the tiny parts out on a blanket to one side while Dude slept at his opposite knee.

Evie was embroidering fuck only knew what as her eyes glance between it and the door, with occasional pauses to pick up her compact to check her make-up.

If he didn't know them so well, he'd say nothing unusual there.

But he did know them.

And though it was hard to see, he could tell they were nervous.

The set of Carlos's shoulders as he hunched over the parts.

Nervous fidgeting.

The way his hand sought Dude's head between each removed screw.

The way Evie didn't seem to be paying attention to her thread, except to sigh and pull her work apart every few minutes.

Mal was eyeing the room slowly, just like he was. The end of her pencil absently tapping her sketchbook as her eyes narrow in concern.

When their eyes meet, he sighs.

If they have a moment. If they're not too busy.

Like they'd ever be too busy to talk to Ben.

Mal nods to him with a tight- He couldn't call it a smile. Or frown. Line?

Sure, why not, a tight line.

He nods back from where he was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed.


Waiting for Ben to come and have a conversation with them.


If you're not busy, I'd like to stop by for a conversation, if you don't mind.


No, he didn't mind talking to Ben.

So why did the word conversation feel like a brick of ice in his stomach?

Why had the text made them all nervous?


Set him on edge.

Like they were back on the Isle and waiting to hear from one of the OVs.


He takes a deep breath.

David promised nothing would happen to them.

Nothing could send them back to the Isle.


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