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Hey Descendants!

Here's to getting back in the habit of posting twice a week and on time. (Which is made so much harder with a nine-month-old baby being adorable beside me.)


So, here it is, the moment we hadn't even considered until you, our wonderful reader, pointed it out to us. And we loved writing it. So please, never think your comments are unheard. We see them, and when we can deliver, we try.

Check us out on Patreon if you want to get a week ahead on the story. We also have some fun stuff there as well.

But now, onto the debate!

Lots of Love,



Kami, this was going to be so satisfying.

So deliciously, deliciously satisfying.

He saw it.

The minute Leah had gotten off the phone with Ben.

How amazingly stunned her face was.

There were only two things she could do.

Back out of the debate, and lose face.

Or actually follow through with it and still lose face.

It was a win-win.

A delicious win-win.

When he'd first met Ben, he hadn't really been sure what to make of the kid.

He was definitely Princely.

Which, ugh.


But he also had something more to him, something that caught his interest and made him want to stick around.

What kind of sixteen-year-old held up their middle finger to their own kingdom like this.

And so unabashedly.

It took a fuck ton of nerve to make freeing the kids of the Isle his first proclamation.

He usually hated bumping elbows with Royalty.

The class was usually so entitled, so obnoxiously entitled.

Like seriously?

It was like they couldn't acknowledge it was nothing but dumb luck they'd been born into the elite.

But Ben?

Ben saw the big picture.

Saw what he'd been given and was taking advantage of it in all the best ways.

It wasn't often he admired kids, but damn if the group he'd found himself entwined with didn't draw it out of him in spades.

He'd been shook when he first met him, the prince.

He had totally expected...

Well, actually, he wasn't sure what he'd been expecting- But it certainly hadn't been this.

Ben was as wholesome and good as they got.

So when he'd hit him up last night-

This was the last thing he'd been anticipating.

Defending the MaskUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum