Threats and Promises

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"Lonnie, seriously-"


"-I'm okay."

Lonnie's eyes narrow, "You can either continue lying to yourself, or you can accept that I'm putting your ass in bed." She snaps, her steps never faltering as she half dragged him across the room, "I mean, your choice. Either way, bed."

He groans, but he can't help the smile.

It was weird having her fuss like this, or maybe it was the way she fussed.

So forceful.

So aggressively caring.

When they get to the bed he holds his hands up, "I concede."

"Good. I didn't want to have to poke your ribs to make a point." She glares as she crosses her arms.

"I appreciate that." He admits as she helps him slide onto the bed.

Yeah. Lonnie wasn't like any other girl he'd ever met.

Sure, there were plenty of girls in his life that could be forceful.

Mal was a force to be reckoned with on a good day.

Deez had her moments too, usually when it came to people telling her what to do.


Hadn't Evie shown how truly aggressive she could be when she found out the secret they were keeping had been about T?

He wouldn't call the girls from his hunting trips anything less than forceful and aggressive, but it wasn't the same thing.

He leans back in the bed as Lonnie adjusts his blankets and pillows, but when she gives him a satisfied nod he grabs her hand before she can pull back.

It hadn't been a thought. He'd just done it.

And now he was staring at her hand in his.

Say something... Anything...

But he couldn't find words. Hell, he wasn't sure he could find his voice.

"You scared me, you know," Lonnie admits slowly, her voice low and pinched in a way he'd never heard her speak before.

As if she wasn't sure of her ability to speak either.

He takes a slow breath, "I'm sorry." He admits, unable to meet her gaze.

"Yeah, well, don't do that again, and we'll call it even." Lonnie says as she lays her other hand on top of his, "I, what you and the others did, facing Maleficent like that-" Her hands squeeze his, "that was really brave, and I need you to know that. Know how brave you are."


He didn't feel brave.

That had been plain stupid. But what else were they supposed to do?

And running away after?

What part of that day made Lonnie, of all people, think he was brave?

"But I swear on fucking China Jay, you run like that again, and I'll actually injure you."

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