Forging Trust

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Hey Descendants Fam!

Welcome to another Monday.

Speaking of Monday... or just day in general, is there a better one you'd like to see us posting on?

For everyone still with us, thank you so much. We love writing this story and will continue to love writing it for many more books to come.

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Anyway, back to the reason you're here-

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Lots of Love,



He can't help his grin.

Yet another step closer to his deepest wish.

Roy, the school's outcast and resident bad boy, showing his nurturing side to their group of friends.

He'd known about Tuck, the silent guardian of the stables who refused to stay in his stall.

He even knew who Tuck belonged to.

He'd just never received an introduction.

But now, here he was, watching the way the group hung on every word an amused, albeit slightly bewildered, Roy said.

Oh yeah, his cheeks were already starting to hurt with how happy this was making him.

"Right, so, that's about all you need to know-" Roy's brows furrow, "I think."

"You think?" Carlos whispers quietly beside him, his fingers still clenching the sleeve of his jacket the way he had months ago when he first met Dude.

"Well, I'm pretty sure anyways, yeah." Roy shrugs. "So- Anyone actually want to-"

"I do!" Lonnie instantly raises her hand.

"Me too." Jay nods, quickly slipping an arm around Evie to keep her from stepping back, "I'm waiting until after Lonnie."

"It's bigger than I thought it would be- Sorry, he's bigger." Evie bites her lip.

"Don't let Tuck fool you. He's all feathers and claws." Roy chuckles.

"Oh, that's reassuring." Carlos breathes.

"I won't let him near the precious ones." Roy grins as he passes a worn leather shoulder-length glove to Lonnie, "Looking at you too, Evie."

Mal snorts.

"Thank you." Evie smiles gratefully.

He smiles as he watches Lonnie eagerly hold out her glove clad arm, giggling as Roy passed Tuck over.

"This is so fucking cool." She chirps as she reaches up and pets the bird's head.

Fearless as always.

His eyes shift to Mal as she walked over to Jay and Evie.

"Alpha trumps Beta. I'm next."

He barely manages to contain his snort.

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