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She hums happily as she skips into their room.

Florian was just the best.

He was charming and sweet and treated her like a princess.

And Snow?

Snow was just full of fabulous.

She knew so much.

And was so excited to share everything between her thoughts on current fashion trends and her reviews on the best brands of makeup.

It was like a match made in heaven.

She smiles at Carlos and Mal's absent greeting as one poured all her focus into a sketch while the other was bent over a table doing something or another with phones-

A lot of phones, if the piles of parts were any indication.

She smiles when Jay gives her a real greeting though.

"How'd it go, E?"

"Amazing!" Her smile widens, "They're just so nice! Snow is just everything I've ever wanted in- Well, honestly an older sister, which is ironic." She titters, "And Florian was one hundred percent the king I've always expected him to be. And I got to try a salad with these beautiful mini orange slices in it. Like Jay, they were only this big," She holds up her thumb and forefinger with barely an inch between them, "And blueberries bigger than I've ever seen before. Oh, and it had sliced almonds. I didn't know almonds could be sliced so thin, but it's like all the rage apparently. Fruit, nuts, and salad. Who knew, right?"

Jay snorts, "Glad it went well," He breathes as a smile slowly forms.

She could see the tension drain from his shoulders.

She smiles brightly before she steps forward and wraps around one of his arms. "It really did." She assures him, "Thank you."

"For what?" Jay asks as he shifts just enough to tuck her against his side and hug her.

"Caring so much about us-" She blinks, "I mean, it was hard to thank you on the Isle but now that we're here- Just thank you."

"Yeah yeah, I know." Jay chuckles as he uses his free hand to sweep towards the Isle, "I'm an asshole that was only really lying to myself back there."

She pouts as she shakes her head, "Not really, you were like Gil. Or how Carlos explains him anyway. People always scattered at the sight of you."

"Hmm, you know what. After getting to know the guy a little, I accept your compliment." He rests his arm across her shoulders.

"Good," She smiles sweetly. "Also, stress so isn't good for your skin. You're going to end up with crow's feet and frown lines before you hit twenty. And your hair? I'm no Dizzy, but I swear if you start going gray-"

"Okay, Princess. Thank you for all that, but don't you have fabric that needs sewing together or something?" Jay laughs as he scoots her towards her machine.

"Oh yeah!" She turns with a smile to pat his cheek affectionately, "Ruby paid me to make her a dress." She bounces over to the machine. "Though honestly, the girl should've paid me to spell that ridiculous hair. Her mom lived in that tower. Why does she need it like that. I can't count the number of times-" She shudders, "I've been absolutely forced to pick up a brush during class. I had to designate one. It's just- Who does that? I've found sticks, Jay. Sticks. What type of self-respecting princess has branches in their hair?"

Jay frowns, "I thought it had something to do with a magic flower." He shrugs before he walks over to his dresser, "And maybe she should look into weaponizing her hair if things like that happen anyways."

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